
Friday, February 14, 2014

TEEN WEEK with Producer/Director Chante Trepte of 3 Chicks Productions

Hello Gorgeous and welcome to another day of TEEN WEEK 2014!

I'm so excited to bring you a guest blog post from Chante Trepte of 3 Chicks Productions. If you need a word of encouragement to help boost you out of a low self esteem funk, then by all means keep reading!

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P.S. Happy happy Valentine's Day to you my sweet loves! I love you!

Believe in Yourself!

Hi, my name is Chante Trepte and I blog about health, nutrition, and natural beauty. I sale Vitamix blenders to afford my other passion: producing. I started my own production company that produces fashion films, called 3 Chicks Productions. I talk on a microphone in front of crowds most of the day, or I’m in front of and behind the camera. Let me tell you, it’s taken years to build the confidence to do what I do!

Growing up I always had big ideas and big dreams, with a natural bent for leading and organizing. I attempted to write my first book at the age of 10. I organized every bake sale, carnival, and theatrical production on my block. And led every creek walking expedition through my hometown. However, I noticed very quickly there was a resistance from those around me to letting me be in the spotlight.

By junior high I started shrinking back. Keeping my ideas to myself. I was a late bloomer. All my other friends were developing physically much quicker than I, and they started getting lots of attention from boys. In fact every boy I ever liked through junior high and high school was in love with my best friend! I also became a victim of bullying.

In high school I tried really hard to fit in. I played sports, I was a cheerleader, and I even did a stint in student government. I was constantly looking to people and accomplishments to define and make me feel good about myself. Whew! I was drowning in low self-esteem that unfortunately followed me through a lot of my adult life.

It wasn’t until years later that I discovered that God was the only one who could define me, since after all he’s the one who created me. And that he had a very specific purpose for my life. In fact, he had already instilled in me all the gifts and talents I needed to accomplish the purpose I had been given! If I could dream it, if that film or storyline came to me, then that project was assigned to me, and I was qualified to make it happen.  It was as if a hundred pound chain had been removed from around my neck. And off I started to sprint towards my destiny.

Now it’s your turn! It’s your turn to believe that you were fearfully (with great thought or care) and wonderfully made.   You are needed to solve a problem in this earth. You are significant, worthy, necessary, and special- because he made you. Are you ready to meet your destiny head on? I will believe with you and I will cheer you on!

Confidence comes from believing in yourself, not when someone else believes in you. You don’t get it because people at school or work like you, think you’re pretty or that you have nice clothes. My favorite quote from Charlotte Wood says: “Confidence is a decision. You will never earn it. It will come when you decide to have it.” Decide today to be confident, beautiful, articulate, gifted. And believe that with God’s help, you will accomplish every dream!

Chante Trepte
The Healthy-Diva!

To learn more about my personal health escapades or to learn more about nutrition and beauty visit my blog


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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