
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Boston Marathon and Shalane Flanagan

 Hello Gorgeous,
Today is the anniversary of the 2014 Boston Marathon. There are remembrance runs scheduled in Phoenix and a moment of silence service in Boston to honor those who died and were injured in the terrorist attack.

As a runner I am deeply saddened by the attack. The Boston Marathon is one of the toughest marathon courses to run.

The good news out of this tragedy, is that it did not weaken the city or people involved, it strengthened.  It fortified the resolve of the runners, Boston, and the nation.

Now April 21st, 2014 Shalane Flanagan will be running, and my prayers, winning the Boston Marathon.

Please join me in praying for Shalane's strength in body, spirit and mind! Let's lift her up in love and prayer for her to win the Boston Marathon. Not just for herself, but for Boston, and for the United States.

Now, if I were running (wish!) Boston, these are the few items I would need...

Super sneakers, sunscreen and lipbalm.

 These are Newton sneakers. I know Shalane is sponsored by Nike and good luck to her feet in her brand of choice. If it were me, I would want these on my tootsies for 26.2!
 Even though Boston does not have the sun impact that Arizona does, it is still important to wear sunscreen! I love the Sun Bum sunscreen. It's great for wet or sweaty sports!

I'm not sure if Shalane Flanagan will be wearing a certain "look" other than destined to win, though I if were running 2014 Boston Marathon, I would wear a light lip with spf such as this Neutrogena Revitalizing lip balm because it's small enough to fit in to the pocket on my hydration belt.

 I think I would also wear a facial tint and mascara, touch of bronzer!

How about you, what would you wear if running the 2014 Boston Marathon.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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