
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

SA Palette week 3: how are the lashes growing?

Good morning Gorgeous!
How was your Cinco de Mayo? Feelin' like you need a piece of pizza and pop to get goin' today? Maybe you need the Blowfish that I wrote about a while back?

In the meantime, nothing about life has slowed down, not even a little bit! So before this week really kicks into high gear, let's touch base quickly on the eyelash growing process of SA Palette.

So what do you think? Any difference from the first two week photos?

Do you think the Met Gala Ball this year was a success? Just curious. I loved the super big flowy dresses, but how does that convert into sales for fashion?
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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