
Monday, July 14, 2014

2014 San Diego Comic Con-10 days to go & 10 tips to help you

Hello Gorgeous,
There are 10 days to go for this year's international San Diego Comic Con.
If you have been before, you know what to expect. If you haven't, here is a short list to help you prepare!


1. Please visit the website and get a plan, a strategy, a prime directive before  you even leave the house or hotel room. This will save you time walking through very large crowds and trying to find your way plus it will help you maximize your time in the convention.

1a. If you do not plan ahead, be sure and get a conference schedule book when you pick up your badge.
1b. Kiddie Corp! The San Diego Comic Con  is extremely family friendly. For parents who want to have some grown up time during the convention, be sure and make your reservation now for your kids to visit the Kiddie Corp childcare.

2. That said: BE EARLY. Like, very early! Parking fills up very fast. Triple check to see if you can pre-purchase your parking and then print your receipt and bring it with you to the garage.

3. Bring your own backpack to put your free swag in AND please pack your own sealed water bottle and snacks to save time in vendor lines and money. Or, you may just need that snack and sip when in line for one of the panels.

3a. Going to a panel? Be EARLY, be courteous and be prepared for a line. Like-a very long line. It's not a problem if you bring a wee chair with you, have something to snack and sip on, and have brought an extra battery pack for your phone so you can stay up to date with the live feeds going on social media.
 #SDCC #HallH

4. Sanitizer-hang one on your backpack and use it often! This is an international show. Just sayin'!

5.Comfy shoes. Ladies I am really talking to you here! Buy purse flats or pack flip flops if you are wearing a super awesome costume that involves high heels. Which, oddly enough, almost all of the comic hero and villain female characters have a lot of cleavage and a lot of heel. Just imagine the walk from your car, through the convention, stand in line, stand in line again to use the bathroom and now walk to the after party, all while wearing high heels? I'm telling you now Gorgeous, pack something comfy in your backpack!

6.Charging cord or extra battery pack. I do not know yet who has a charging station on the convention floor, and don't plan on being able to find an open and unused outlet. Just pack the extra battery pack and in the least case scenario, bring your charging cord and hope for the best!

7. The secret bag o'necessities: a few pain meds, an energy drink, 2 sharpies for signing and getting signatures, biz cards or calling card of some kind, a lip balm, hair tye, breath mints and in my personal case; a 3DS to collect Mii's for my son! This wee ditty bag will be a life saver. Trust me. Put it in the backpack!

8. Politeness. I feel like this needs to be said. Please bring your friendly with you. I know the crowds are huge. But we all go for  fun. So let's keep it fun by treating each other with kindness and respect!

9. At some point, you are going to need to pay for something. Get your cash before you go. Yes. Cash. Bring some coins in case you have to feed the parking meter. Bring small denominations in case you need dollar bills for a vending machine, some $5's, $10's, so you aren't that 'guy' who makes the cashier need to get change to break another $20. Have your credit/debit card available-BUT-this is an international convention, be the geek you know you are and put it in a sleeve or alumawallet so it doesn't get skimmed and  your account balance is drained while you are busy running around in a Batman suit. Be smart!

10. Lastly, bring your wonder and awe along with a healthy does of amazement. This is the best convention for fans and for the creators of the comics and films. You will make memories here that will last a lifetime! Or at least last the length of a Twitter feed.

Enjoy and I'll see you there! @Cherelynn on Twitter CherelynnBaker on Instagram!~

P.S. One last tip...
11. Ladies, and gentlemen who will be wearing a full face of cosplay makeup and need to have it last and look fresh all day without a lot of touch ups-USE a makeup setting spray. There are several different brands, get one that fits your budget, but best of all use one. Between using a long wearing primer under the foundation and finishing with a makeup setting spray, your CosPlay makeup and costume look will last longer and look better for photos!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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