
Friday, November 14, 2014

12 Days of Gifts and Giving- support Newborns In Need this holiday season

Oh Sweet Gorgeous,
We've made it to the end of this busy week. Before I sign off for shabbat, I want to share the second half of this year's Makeup University 12 Days of Gifts and Giving.

The giving part!

I love giving wee gifts and my close friends can atest to the fact that I do dote on them with bitty gifts of remembrances throughout the year to remind them that I love them and I am thinking of them at the time I pop a goody in the mail to encourage them and hug them from afar.

The second part of the 12 days is the giving. Please, find time, find space, find some spare cash or item to donate to support someone else. You never know how far a wee bit will go!

Meet Newborns In Need!
Wee bairns are our most precious and needed resource and some times a baby needs a boost when they are born to early.

This charity could use your support.  If you aren't able to give to them, maybe check in at your local hospital and see about volunteering? Holding the hand of a preemie baby has they lay in their plastic cocoon could be just the touch they need to keep fighting for their life.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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