
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

12 Days of Gifts and Giving: Encouragement is the best gift!

Hello Gorgeous,
It's my favorite time of the day in the blog and the 12 Days of Gifts and Giving. It's time to encourage you!

This is a great short story from Mark Hoog. Read and enjoy. Then encourage one another!

In 1993 I received the gift of a lifetime as I sat with my wife, brother, sister, and parents for our holiday gift exchange. This year was unique as, in only a few months, both my brother and I would become first time fathers. I looked at the stack of gifts to be exchanged and noticed one out of place box in the pile. It was a mid-size, beat up box, with wrapping paper of all sizes and colors taped randomly to it. I recognized it as the handy work of my brother who then reached for the sloppily wrapped package, carried it in my direction and set it on my lap asking, “Mark, if there was one gift- just one gift- you could give your child, what would it be?”

I was speechless. Money? A house? A car? My mind raced. What did my brother stuff in this sad looking little box? My mind drifted to the intangibles I hoped my unborn child would possess. I wanted my son or daughter to believe the canvas of life could hold a picture of unlimited potential and the brush to create it was firmly in the hand of the painter.

I wanted to make sure everything I did helped my child build a foundation of possibility. But how? The words, “Encouragement is oxygen to the soul” flashed through my mind. In that moment I realized my answer and told my brother that, through my parenting, I wanted to offer encouragement and help my child develop strong self-esteem.

The gift was never in the box…it was in the question. I realize now the perfect gift is not always held by the perfect box or wrapped in colorful paper. Sometimes the gift is that which encourages us to think about the contribution we make to the world around us.

Mark Hoog is a nationally recognized speaker, a bestselling author and the Executive Director of the Children's Leadership Institute.

This story originally appeared on Bella Spark. Please visit the website to read more encouraging and uplifting stories!
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