
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Love letter to you and your money from me and Financially Wise Women

Hi ya Gorgeous,
I don’t know about you, but money seems to be that subject I wish I learned more of
growing up. I mean, how come no one ever taught me how to budget and how to save
for retirement?

Questions like, how can I budget more effectively, how much should I be saving
toward my financial goals, how do I pay off my debts and what’s the difference
between a 401k,IRA and Roth IRA have all crossed my mind in the past and I know I
am not the only one who has found personal finance and money management

But, since money is something that is around for our lifetime, I know how
important it is to find a way to learn money management skills to serve me and my
financial future. However, every time I get ready to start learning about financial
strategies, I am left feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood and quite frankly bored
by the financial industry!

That’s where Brittney Castro, Certified Financial Planner comes in. Brittney is a friend
of mine and has over 9 years of helping people move past the roadblocks in their
financial life and has this uncanny ability to talk about money in such a fun and easy
way. Every time we discuss the subject of money and finance, I leave feeling
empowered and excited for my financial future.
Brittney just re-‐launched her online 6-‐week Money Class and I am so excited about
it that I had to share it with you!
What is the Money Class?
● The Money Class is a 6-‐week online home-‐study course, where you will learn
the foundational pieces of personal finance and money management. You can
think of it as the personal finance education you never received growing up.
● As a Money Class student, you’ll have access to the members-‐only website,
where you can access the entire course curriculum–webinars for the six
modules, worksheets, audio recordings and more. You’ll learn things like:
★ How to create a new loving, abundant money mindset
★ How to create do-‐able financial goals
★ How much you should be saving for your financial goals every month
★ How to spend money guilt free
★ How to build a cash cushion, pay off debts, save for the future
★ And much, much more.
● And the best part is she teaches it all in a fun, non-‐judgmental, comfortable
way that actually makes sense! Thank goodness!
● As a bonus, you’ll have access to cool video interviews with other thought
leaders and game changers to help you in areas beyond your finances.
● And, as a bonus bonus, you will have access to the private Money Class
Facebook group to help you connect to other like-‐minded women (men too!)
who are also committed to improving their financial lives and living a dream
life using their money. This will be an area where you can support one another
and celebrate each other’s successes along your financial journeys.
I know I am super excited for this Money Class and I hope you decide to invest in
your financial future and enroll in the Money Class today!

Ready to get started? Click on the link below to get all the details and enroll in her
course today. []
Cheers to taking control of your financial future!
Love ya Gorgeous!

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