
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Generation Beauty: what happened at the opening night party and Day 1 per Makeup University

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Well, the trip has been something else so far! 
The drive out was wonderful. Uneventful. Actually, it's always the same for the most part. It's a wide open spanse of desert road filled with big trucks until I get to Barstow. Then it becomes an open flood gate of high speed traffic. Serenity now!

The weather here in Los Angeles is a very fine, 68 degrees! I got a pedicure and now I am ready for the party tonight at Ipsy Studios in Santa Monica.

 I took my very first Uber to the party! What a great experience too!
So here I am checked in at the party and ready to meet the other YouTubers!

I love a photo booth! The ladies in attendance were dressed in there best and finery! Such great makeup looks too! Let's just say, that lashes were in abundance.

 Now, it's not the tequila talking here-it's that my camera doesn't take great photos when far away and in low light settings.
That's Michelle Phan welcoming the guests and doing a bag giveaway! Oh grr slow phone service! You had to text a message and show it, and then the lucky gal who was first got a new purse. Oh am I ever in the market for a new purse!

 Yes! That is a light up dance floor! To kick the dancing off there was a guest Bboy dancer who did a routine that was outstanding!

 Oy. My head the next day! I enjoyed some Milagro tequila and then on my way out found the berry concoction flavored champagne! So natch I had some of that too.

 The party was amazing. I personally, am a radical giver and very generous. Michelle Phan and the Ipsy team are too! The party was a wonderful treat full of tasty snacks and flavorful libations. Let's just say-starting early is looking like a challenge...

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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