
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Why your winter skin & hair needs Seabuck Wonders

Hi ya Gorgeous,
The weather has finally changed in Arizona. It went from hot to cold. In one day. We had a few hours of Fall weather. Darn it!

Well, the good news is, I'm in full swing for wearing my favorite Han Solo outfit of skinny jeans in boots with a shirt and vest! Millenium Falcon here I come!

Though the weather change at home coupled with the copious amount of travel I have been doing lately has my skin and hair in a funk and in need of rescue.

I am and have been a huge fan of the Seabuck Wonders brand of healing herbal supplements. Now, they have a soft gel specifically with a formulation for hair and nails that is fortified with Omega-7 and Biotin.

 This brand is cruelty free, vegan, non-gmo certified, organic and kosher. All reasons to get it!
I'm taking my Hair, Skin & nails capsules alongside my daily Berry oil to ramp up my health efforts in the insane holiday season that has already started.

I think you will like the results you get from taking these. And if you don't get the softgels, just get a jar of the SeabuckthornWonders Berry Oil and take a dropperful in the morning! If you get a cut or a burn, put a few drops on it! If your dog gets a weird scaly dry patch at the base of their tail like mine did, put some Berry Oil on it!

Here is some more information and a link to the website, get some! You will be glad you did!

Sea Buckthorn

This incredible Berry has a legendary history dating back to Genghis Khan and Mythical Greece. Known historically for it's health and beauty boosting properties, sea buckthorn was commonly fed to horses to increase their health and vigor and was noted for giving them shiny fur. Thus, Hippophae Rhamnoides, the botanical name for sea buckthorn, literally stands for "tree that makes horses shine". The sea buckthorn fruit was also used medicinally for various ailments in native cultures and topically for beautiful skin. Today, we know sea buckthorn's health and beauty benefits derive from it's incredible nutritional profile which includes over 190 phytonutrients and the rare, Dr. Oz hailed, Omega 7.

Omega 7

Palmitoleic acid, also known as Omega 7, is a rare omega fatty acid gaining notorious momentum in the health and beauty scene. Omega 7 is known for supporting healthy hair, skin, and nails, as well as providing various health benefits for the gastrointestinal tract, immune system, and cardiovascular sysem. It is only known to exist in a couple plant sources and to a very small extent in fish oils. Sea buckthorn is the most potent source of Omega 7 fatty acids known and most research on Omega 7's has been conducted using sea buckthorn. As research on sea buckthorn and omega 7's becomes more and more abundant, who knows what new Omega 7 health benefits will crop up next?!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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