
Saturday, January 16, 2016

How to use a derma roller at home

Hi ya Gorgeous!
I love a beauty tool and at home spa helper and I have begun to do an at home "derma rolling" treatment to the damaged skin on my chest.

This skin has seen decades of sun and the majority of that was without sunscreen so I have deep scarring and wrinkles with a red look that is permanent from sun damage.

I've been having my doctor check the area yearly for any signs of cancer but there are none.

I've also talked with dermatologists and plastic surgeons about solutions to smooth the skin and there does not seem to be any non-invasive or dangerous 50/50 choices that may or may not work and could possibly make the skin worse and more damaged.

So I got a simple derma roller, watched a lot of "how to" videos on YouTube and now I'm on a 30 day challenge  (1 full cycle of treatment) to see the effect.

I'm using a .05 derma roller. I sterilize it in 91% alcohol for an hour before I use, and an hour after I use. I roll the derma roller on a piece of alcohol soaked paper towel after treatment to remove any funky chunks that may be too small to see but clinging on.

My main goal is to help stimulate the collagen growth of the skin in the deepest ravines of the chest area in my permanent red sunburned area.

My second goal is to not give myself an infection from my at home spa treatment.

So I'm on my 3rd treatment. I had planned to do a derma rolling session once every seven days, though I am too impatient for that.

Instead, I have been doing it once every 4 days.
Yes, it's a bit prickly. A touch sting. A slight bit of pain, but it's not bad. In fact, it feels more itchy than anything else.
 I prep the chest area skin with a wipe of 91% alcohol first. Then derma roll for about a minute in an up down motion, sideways motion, and diagonal criss cross pattern.

I do not have bleeding of any sort, just redness. Then I apply my Sente Dermal Repair Creme to the treated area afterwards. I do not put anything on the skin and wear an open collared area shirt for at least 3 hours to let the area breathe and heal.

I have not had any infection or scabbing or adverse effects or results.

So far, I'm liking what's going on but have not seen any "noticeable" results. Yet! I will update this post at the end of the 30 days!

How about you? What at home spa treatments do you do? Do you use a derma roller too?

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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