
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

TEEN WEEK: RE:Calibrate your lifestyle with teenager Tianna Trepte

Hi ya Gorgeous!
TEEN WEEK: RE:Calibrate continues with a guest post from teen Tianna Trepte!
I'm so excited to share her perspective on a healthy lifestyle from a teen perspective as she lives it!

 Enjoy the good word and encouragement of Tianna!

Recalibrate Your Lifestyle
By Tianna Trepte

  As a teen who spends most of her life in school or doing homework, my lifestyle tends to be pretty bland and scheduled. This boring lifestyle leaves me, well, bored and sadly I don't exercise when I get get bored, instead I look to my phone or my pantry. 

The great expectations of teachers, parents, and even friends make me feel like I'm being forced to choose who to please and many a time the stress of all these expectations lead me to give myself excuses for not doing the things that I need to or that I want to and I just give up and give into the temptation of snacks and unhealthy foods. 

But now I look around me and see all these teens on YouTube and other social media that are exploring the world, making a difference, and looking great while doing so and I feel inspired to make some major changes to my lifestyle. 

     I want to start off by growing up a little, mentally I mean. I want to get rid of any lazy part of me and commit to doing things myself. I want to be able to cook for myself, take care of my health on my own, and keeping myself focused and on task. I want to be able to keep up with all the things that I need to do, like chores and homework while being able to take time for myself without stressing about things.

 I also want to take my health more seriously. I really want to work towards becoming vegan, eating clean, and keeping up with exercise and it's all just a matter of changing my lifestyle. I understand that these drastic lifestyle changes are going to be difficult, but I'm prepared to take a stand to teenage stereotypes, like that we're lazy or rebellious or antisocial or that we eat everything and anything. I don't want to be viewed that way, I want to be seen as a strong, healthy, outgoing young woman who is well behaved and preparing to take on the world.

      So here's my plan: starting this week I'm minimizing my lazy time to an hour or so a day, staying on top of my work around the house and for school, and eliminating any unnatural sugars that don't come directly from fruits. 

I am also going to get in a 30 minute walk everyday after school and a 30 minute workout in on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm going to stop taking things like my family and my opportunities for granted, because I'm so lucky to be where I am in life and in the world. Last, but certainly not least, I'm going to stop making excuses, because why would I give anything less than 100% into everything I do.

Well said Miss Tianna!
Thank you for writing for Makeup University.
Now, about that arrived in the email upside down, so I edited it to be right side up and now, it's upside down again!

Cheers to tomorrow's TEEN WEEK post!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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