
Saturday, April 9, 2016


Hi ya Gorgeous,
Well, today is a pretty amazing day. It's the 100th anniversary of the Azusa prayer revival meetings and it's happening today in a prayer gathering started by Lou Engle 15 years ago.

What Is Azusa Now?

There are times which Scripture describes as "full" — periods of unusual ripeness in which God unleashes His prophetic purpose across the earth.  Such days of faith and expectation often come during periods of crisis or widespread uncertainty. For 15 years, amidst massive cultural decay, Lou Engle and TheCall have sought to proclaim the bold, uncompromising message of consecration to Jesus. Like John the Baptist, we have cried out, "Prepare the way of the Lord!"

Yet the last statement of John was not "Prepare the way," but "Behold the Lamb!" If there was truly a John Movement, then a Jesus Movement is surely coming! Believing that decades of globe-spanning prayer have saturated the heavens, we will boldly ask God for the rain of revival on April 9th, 2016. We will consecrate an entire day — 15 hours — for the purpose of unity, miracles, healing, and the proclamation of the gospel. Our rally cry: Come, Holy Spirit! Instead of 120 in the Upper Room, we seek to gather as many as 120,000 in one place and one accord to simply exalt Jesus. And for inspiration, we turn to the most powerful expression of revival in modern times: the historic Azusa Street Revival of 1906.

Azusa Then

What made the 1906 Azusa Street Revival so special? Three key factors at Azusa mirrored the reality of the formation of the church in Acts 2. Firstly, there was a multi-ethnic gathering of unity in Christ (Acts 2:1-11). Secondly, the miraculous, attesting ministry of the Holy Spirit was enjoyed in a unique way (Acts 2:2-4).  Finally, there was a clear presentation of the Gospel leading many to salvation (Acts 2:37-41).
This outpouring of Heaven descended on the poor districts of Los Angeles during an incredibly dangerous, volatile and prejudiced period of American history.  God used an African American named William Seymour to launch this modern Acts 2 movement. Black, White, Asian and Hispanic came together in bonds of love, unity and prayer. It came to be said, “the color line was washed away” at Azusa.
This is the legacy — the well of revival — we seek to reclaim: Unity. Prayer. Miracles. Healing. Salvation.

Isn't that awesome!
I got this information and photos off of the website for The Call. There is still time to join in the prayer either on site or by webcast. Check God TV for a live stream.

I'm so excited to be in Los Angeles and praying along side with this event. If you have a prayer request, please send it to me and I am honored to lift you up in prayer!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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