
Friday, April 15, 2016

Coachella this weekend and the YouCam Perfect app: why it's toxic

Hi ya Gorgeous!
TGIF to you Beautiful and oh happy day! This weekend is jam packed with events and I'm not going. Nope. Not this time. I've got so much to do to get ready for travel and work that I'm  choosing to sit this one out!

Let's just call it a version of spring cleaning...

And on to beauty news with the YouCam Perfect app for those of you on iPhones who are going to Coachella, other weekend events or maybe just thinking of taking a selfie.

A PR agency reached out to me with this story pitch and I'm sharing it today, not to advocate or encourage you to use the YouCam Perfect app, actually, the opposite.

Please do not use this app and for the love of all things beautiful in yourself, do not cover up your perceived flaws with a senseless and toxic app that "blurs" you into someone elses judgemental opinion of what beauty is.

You are beautiful! Gorgeous in fact! 

Pimples, wrinkles, smeared makeup and all! The idea that you go to an all day festival and look "picture perfect" all day is false advertising and a lie.

There is no need to cover up the fact that your sunscreen has made your foundation blotchy, your mascara smeared because the song moved you and you cried and that you dropped mustard on your shirt while eating a hot dog in between sets.

 (If this is you at Coachella, I want to see it! Smiling, happy, mud diving!)

Actually, those are the photos I want to see. I want to see you living. I want to see you moved. I want to see your sweaty dance selfie after shaking your bum off to the best song of the soundtrack in your life as it is played live in front of you.

Please do not lie to me with app edited photos. I don't believe you when I see them.
Have fun this weekend! Wear sunscreen. Drink water. Love. Smile. Dance. Be happy. You are good enough just the way you are. Let your light shine! Post pics of the real you, having the real life, doing real things!

Now that I've shared my thoughts, here is what the PR agency sent to me. In fairness, I would like to post what they sent for an even debate on the subject.

Coachella is this weekend, which means selfies in the desert are about to flood your Instagram feed. If you’re lucky enough to be joining the festivities, you’re going to need the #1 selfie app, YouCam Perfect, at your fingertips. When considering essentials needed to survive the festival, like baby wipes, a water bottle, and a fanny pack, this app tops the list.
This Coachella season is all about looking flawless despite the hot sun, as the music festival doubles as a fashion show. YouCam Perfect will immediately remove blemishes, blur imperfections and show off your natural beauty, like a magic mirror! Every picture you take this weekend will reflect the amazing time you’re having, whether you’re at Coachella or just wishing you were.

Please consider YouCam Perfect for any Coachella Essentials stories you may be working on to prepare for the festival, and feel free to let me know if you would like additional information.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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