
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Happy Birthday Makeup University!

Hi ya Gorgeous!

May birthday month continues with today being a celebration of the Makeup University blog being 10 years old today.

Ten years old.
Some blogs don't even make it ten days, ten months, let alone ten years. Though here we are.

As excited as I am to celebrate 10 years writing in Makeup University, there is a change coming to the blog.

My summer schedule has me traveling more and on different projects which won't give me daily blogging capacity.
Makeup University is not going anywhere! Just shifting from daily posts to weekly posts, and a weekly video and guest blogger posts and my favorite, more live events where we can be together for a day to learn beauty, teach makeup, and a few other fun topics too.

Thank you so much for your support over the past decade. It means so much to me!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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