
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

BLISS body software from The Hall Center

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Happy Monday to you!

 So, as you know if you have been reading Makeup University for a while or at least this past week that I am in the middle of my first feature film, Jael: A Western Tale.

To say I have some stress is an understatement! I also deal with low thyroid issues on a daily basis.
Enter, The Hall Center and the Body Software supplement called Bliss.

 I have started taking this and will report in a week what the effect is!
In the meantime, here is a little bit more about the supplement from their website!

 The Hall Center

  • Promotes mood improvement
  • Supports weight management for natural weight loss
  • Combats addictive behavior due to neurochemical imbalance
  • Promotes antioxidant protection

Bliss is composed of ingredients that help support the production of neurochemicals involved in pleasure, reward, and mood.  In addition, Bliss helps improve thyroid function and thermogenesis, leading to improved cellular energy, metabolism and body composition.  Not only will you feel an improvement in your mood, but you will also notice a reduction in addictive behavior also associated with a deficiency in these neurochemicals.
Serving Size: 2 capsules/day

    5-HTP (l-5-hydroxytryptophan) 100 mg
    Green Tea Extract (leaf) 200 mg
    L-Tyrosine 300 mg
    Mucuna Pruriens (95% L-Dopa) 100 mg
    Phenibut (as Phenyl-Y-AminoButyric Acid) 100 mgSAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine) 200 mg

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