
Friday, August 26, 2016

Labor Day Weekend series: you need GREEN GOO travel packs

 Hi ya Gorgeous and TGIF to you too!

Woo hoo! It's the weekend and I thought it would never get here! Today is my son' birthday and we have a full weekend of adventure and mayhem planned....exciting!

The following weekend leads us into the Labor Day holiday and is the official, well, in my opinion, official start of all  things Fall and holiday and if you blink slow enough you will see the whirlwind of activity happen before your eyes as it's Christmas and New Years before you know it!

So today I have a product review and recommendation for your every day life and weekend travel plans that will surely help heal and survive the family through sun, fun, boating, hiking, and all things adventure.

If your family is like mine: we could be in a movie at one point and then body surfing at another in the same day. GREEN GOO travel packs make the transition smoother for all involved.
I have two things to show you and a video too ... so stay tuned for that!

 This is the deoderant travel pack from Green Goo ...3 scents and then an unscented.

 The size is very convenient, the scents are good, the texture is smooth and I'm looking forward to revisiting this in the Fall!

Now for the essential Labor Day weekend travel pack from GREEN GOO!

I would keep mine in the car though it would melt in the Arizona heat.  Enjoy the video and please visit the main website for GREEN GOO to see the retail locations near you, or search on Amazon as it is available there too!

Be safe this weekend!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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