
Thursday, December 1, 2016

12 Days of Giving with Makeup University - Meet LORAC Limited Edition palettes

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy December! Whoa - where did the year go? Only 31 days left in 2016! Can you believe it?

So with countdowns in mind, today starts a series called "12 Days of Giving" here on Makeup University and it's a chance to focus on a beauty product while also giving attention to a random act of kindness.

The product is the very beautiful twin set of limited edition shadows from LORAC.

Meet Black Tie Affair and Tails And Top Hats! These are stocking stuffer ready for gift giving to the beauty lover in your life!

Enjoy the YouTube video!

And for a random act of kindness I have these suggestions: giving does not have to be financial - if you want it to be, then buy the coffee for the person behind you in the coffee drive up lane.

If you would rather do an act of service, then maybe do a chore for a family member so they don't have to, or without being asked, do something that you are often asked to do, and finally, why not write a hand written note to someone you know would love to get some mail that isn't a bill!

Personally, I love getting mail, and never do!

Let's make this the most merriest Christmas season ever!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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