
Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's Christmas Eve

Hi ya Gorgeous,
So it's Christmas Eve tonight. Are you ready? Do you have all of your gifts wrapped and ready?

Here's a thought, no matter what you got done for the holidays this year - it's ok, and it's enough. Personally, this has been one of the most non-Christmas like Christmases for me ever. I didn't get the lights up on the house, any gingerbread houses made, no new ornaments created and just flat out, flat holiday season for me.
The pressure at this time of year to perform is insane and un-achievable and to coin a term, Griswold.

So whether it got done or not, please take a moment and relax and enjoy your loved ones.

 This time of celebrating Jesus Christ is about relationship. Some of you may be having a big family get together and some of you may be at home with your fur family and celebrating just as much.

Please be good to yourself and others! You are so loved!

Part of the miracle of the season this year is that Hanukkah begins tonight as well. Enjoy your celebrations and Chag Sameach!

Now let the feasts begin! 

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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