
Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 - whatcha gonna do?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Welcome to the new format for Makeup University for now. Not forever. But for now. I am in the middle of  directing my first feature film ,while launching a mobile app, appearing at two major festivals and publishing a graphic novel.

Oh, all while seeing my Cub through school and life and yada yada.

So, I know that you too are very busy and doing some great things and I am so excited to learn about them so please tell me!

Next, you will find 2-3 thoughts and desires, expressions and chit chats that I have been impacted and feel that they may help you too.

I've said for too long that we are a lifestyle blog though I did very little living in the time. Suddenly, life is full force. Like drinking from a fire hydrant. So hang on.  Here we go.

To get you going this 2017, know that Makeup University will be posting weekly both in video and in written encouragement - please refer back to here as much as you need to! 

This is so simple and yet so difficult to do unless you TRACK it. Please. If you are going to transform your skin this year, drink water. Really want to transform?

Then eat your water. Like cucumbers and watermelon. don't like those? Me either. So put chunks in your water and get a solid 24 ounces down that are soaked full of cucumber or watermelon. Easy peasy. do it for 30 days and I guarantee --- --- =I guarantee that you will see a difference in your skin volume or fine lines being finely plumped. Do it. I dare you.

Please take these 3 minutes and watch Seth Godin teach a lil something that is going to change your day. Maybe even your life and career or blog even. Enjoy. Thank Seth, not me!


You need a shot!
Ginger lemon shot that is!  I've been doing this the past week, daily, to fight off a cold before a very busy week and also to boost my immune system as I go forward into a very international event!

  • 2-inch piece of Ginger, juiced
  • 1/4 Lemon, juiced
  • 1-Inch turmeric juiced, or 1 tsp. ground Turmeric

Finally, this week's video from Youtube! Thank you for being a part of Makeup University!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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