
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How to Order Prescription Glasses Online with Firmoo

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Hump Day to you! Wow, the week, the month, the year is flying by. I am stunned that May is half way over! What?  Where does the time go?

Speaking of time flying - Makeup University has a new Facebook Live session up introducing this brand I just worked with. I received a free sample of glasses from Firmoo to experience the online ordering process.

They provided me with a 50% off coupon for you to use if you need glasses too! It's not just for prescription wearing glasses, it's for sunglasses too! So go take a look and save some money too!

Use this link to find your own pair of glasses at half off!  :  

Watch the video for a full review! Remember to subscribe to the Makeup University channel!
Get 50% OFF for Your Firmoo Glasses:
Email for collaborating:

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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