
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Free Money Class training series. A video just for you!

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Wednesday to you and you know what that means around here? That it's "Work It Out Wednesday" - a series where I help you with solutions to challenges women are facing right now. 

The chatter I am hearing lately on my social media channels is that Christmas is coming, in 102 days to be exact! I hear single moms being concerned, stressed is more like it about money and their financials in general.

Today, I have a help for you. I had the pleasure of working with Brittney Castro years ago on a reality tv show pilot and then again at a Makeup University Breakthrough event. Her logic is sound and advice good! 

When I took her course and followed her suggestions, I increased my income, boosted my credit score and saved double in a year of what I have in a very long time.  This is worth you taking a look!  I sent this to my email list though after switching providers, I know a lot of you were lost and I'm sorry about that so I'm also posting here so you don't miss out.

So enough about me, let's get into the good stuff with Brittney!  Continue reading below:

Are you frustrated and worried about your finances and want to finally get your money situation in a good place once and for all?

Do you want to feel like you have enough to live the life you know you deserve, understand how the whole “money-thing” works, stop living month-to-month and create security for your future?

The problem often is... you don’t know where to start or where to focus.

My good friend and colleague, Brittney Castro of Financially Wise Women, has worked with hundreds of women and couples as a Certified Financial Planner and media spokesperson for Chase, Entrepreneur and more...

She has put together a free video training series that talks about what it really takes to be confident, empowered and feel intelligent in this area of your life.

To feel mature with your money. Peaceful. And... No more worry! SO NICE!

Here’s what you'll learn:
  • WHAT YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT budgeting, saving, investing, etc to set a solid foundation for true financial success.
  • HOW TO BUST THROUGH THE THREE THINGS THAT ARE HOLDING YOU BACK from getting started, taking your financial goals to the next level and finally living that life you have been dreaming about!
  • THE REAL AND DO-ABLE TOTAL FRAMEWORK for practical, actionable financial success both short term and long term.

Brittney and I really wanted to get this info out there and help as many people as we could!

If you're ready to rock, Brittney and I are so excited to help you know what it takes to feel confident about your finances, get out of debt, save up for that dream home or vacation, or whatever your little heart desires.

This is a limited time free training so Brittney won't keep them up very long.

Come grab the videos while they are available!

"See you" soon!

With love,

Cherelynn Baker

P.S. You will need to know these steps eventually and Brittney shares what has worked time and time again. Get access to the trainings here!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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