
Monday, February 5, 2018

Meet MLK2.0 by David Litwin book review

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Monday and February! To say that the time is flying by is an understatement!  I'm so glad for the great activity, though a part of me is ready to just sit and relax in my chair and read a book!

Oh, wait - I did just do that! I just read the book MLK2.0 by David Litwin.  Wow is it ever action item packed and something that you could really benefit by reading!

It's available on Amazon for paperback or Kindle edition.  What I liked best about the book, is the message of hope. Not in the way like Red in The Shawshank Redemption talks about hope, but in the sense that you can truly help yourself, right now, where you are at with what you have kind of hope.

It's really important that in the ayin season that we are in, that you make the most of each moment that comes your way and be listening and tuned in to what your next step is.  So how do you know what the next step is and how to listen to it? Easy. You prepare yourself!  This wee read is a tool to help you, help yourself.

It's a short and easy read with action items that you can do right now! So what are you waiting for? Get started today on MLK2.0 by David Litwin.

Watch the video and see! other news, since I haven't updated in awhile I also included a wee bit of review on the L'Oreal Feria GlamGrunge hair color in Denim. Nope. Not at all. More like Grungy Elvis Presley!  My hair is not one shade of blue, more like, multi-shades of black!

Okay, it's going to be a very long grow out and cut, grow out and cut, grow out and cut, grow out and cut season for me. Be praying!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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