
Friday, June 8, 2018

The Week in Review - June 2018 - whoa!

Hi ya Gorgeous!
TGIF! Happy Friyay!
OMG. I mean, oh my goodness this week. The month of June has kicked off like a rocket. Sort of. Some days it feels like life is moving backwards, and then a phone call/ email/Instagram message later, everything is suddenly turned up to 11!

So much has happened in our week when it comes to loss of life. Oh Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain you will be missed!

You never know what is going on with a person, so please, post or repost the National Suicide Prevention Line phone number

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Or visit the website  

There is no shame in asking for help and their is a light at the end of the tunnel! Please ask for help!

Now, keepin' it weird, lets move on to the week in review video. I've never made one before, not sure I will make another, but as for now - here it is. Enjoy!

This video is a mix of current events and   MakeupUniversity stuff and Lions Rest stuff and me stuff!

Thank you for watching!

Things to know from the video:

Please support the "I" Series Film, written and produced by Mary Beth Eversole on Indiegogo here:

Catch up with actress/host/force of nature @JustJudyHB on socials 

BLOG http://makeupuniversity.CO
TWITTER  @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM  @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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