
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wine Wednesday with Guenoc from Gelson's in Hollywood

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Wednesday! Before I get started on the wine review, a very deep and heartfelt thank you to the men who fought in the battle of Normandy on this day, freedom is not free! Thank you veterans!

I am home for a few days before launching out again - and this wine and photo is from the recent trip to Burbank. Before I got started to work, after a long but easy drive from Arizona to Burbank, I went for a 6 mile uphill hike to the Hollywood sign.

 Oh such a good time! As nerdy as it sounds, I was so overcome by the beauty, the flora, fauna, foliage, animals and people I met a long the trail. I hiked 2 of 3 legs of the Hollyridge trail and oh if only I had more time I would have completed the Mt. Ada and Bronson caves trails too!

Now for the video, this wine, Guenoc was a delightful find to kick off a short Shabbat and rest my aching self from the hike. I really need to work on my fitness more!

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