
Monday, August 6, 2018

Wild Spirit Fragrances for Back to School Confidence

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Monday!
Oh boy do I ever love a Monday. Anything and everything is possible on a Monday. I have a jam action packed week ahead of me and though it's a lot of work, I'm excited for the creative challenge!
Woot woot!

There are a lot of videos coming up this week so stay tuned for that goodness!
A few thoughts before we get into the video for today, of which there are two because there was just so much to share  about Wild Spirit Fragrances that it really required two posts.
Back to school is in full swing here in Arizona and in Nevada and many other places around the country. That could mean, "back to bullying, being teased, harassed, having lunch money stolen," and in  general a miserable life for a kid.

Do you remember ever having a job that you hated, but you needed the money so you still forced yourself to go and being there made you physically sick, but you had to go?

For some kids, that's what back to school is like instead of being the joy of seeing old friends, having new clothes, shoes, backpacks and school supplies.

So this fragrance that I came across (details in the video) is perfect for a kid, boy or girl, who is going back to school and needs a boost of confidence.

I agree with Coco Chanel, that fragrance is the best accessory! As is a smile!

So enjoy the video and going forward into this year, boost your confidence with a great scent. It can be the scent secret that a student has to help boost their morale in a tough day!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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