
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

How to get healthy gut bacteria for anti-aging results in your skincare

Hi ya Gorgeous,

So today is so sort of off the main stream of beauty topics- but - it's very important beauty topic!

The skin is the biggest organ and it is maintained by the inside organs - so- it's important to take care of your insides! Like having a a healthy gut! Like, taking fermented foods as part of your daily food healthy regime!  Meet my home made sauerkraut!

These things I know to be true - what you put in yourself, eventually comes out of yourself. What you eat and drink will show on your skin and if you truly want to see a youthful and healthy skin, you need to feet it and water it, well!

The fermented foods you can choose are sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and even some yogurts.
Check the label for the level of live probiotics in the yogurt and if you are wondering about how these "live probiotics' get into your fermented foods - please check here:

Oh this video is about beauty from the inside out - enjoy - the recipe link is below!

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