
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How To Make Positive Christmas Memories That Last

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Tuesday!
It's a whirlwind of fun, celebration, volunteering and preparing for some upcoming Christmas travel for snowboarding and ice skating!

Thank goodness for the physical activities because around here, it's been all treats,cookies, and fancy froo froo coffees and cocktails. In short, the calories are abundant! I need some extra movement!

Which brings me to today's blog and video topic - I encourage you to take a moment and plan some family memory making activities so the focus is on engaging with each other in a meaningful way versus just zeroing in on a store bought gift.

Ideas such as:
1. Taking a family walk to "eye spy" a Christmas item
2. Walking/bicycling/driving a neighborhood for lights
3. Christmas cookie bake off and then trade doing an old fashioned cake walk with music
4. Go caroling to a neighbor and bring some of those cookies to gift
5. Hand make cards for one another using items in the house then share with a quick message of what you appreciate about that person

There are so many ways to make a memory without spending a lot

Thank you for tuning in today! If it's your first time here, welcome! If you are returning, welcome back! This video is a short word of encouragement to help you focus on what's good that's going on in a busy holiday season. From me to you - a very merry Christmas! Now go make some great memories!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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