
Monday, December 3, 2018

Would You Change You Because Others Were Changing?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Monday!

December is in full effect and in more ways than one!
So I'm taking a different focus this year with the blog - instead of sharing about the myriad of gifts available, how about we focus a moment on the real gift.  You!

The beauty community and blogging and Youtube are rapidly changing and I see so many quickly changing to follow suit.

Well, how about this - instead of you conforming to all that the world is shaping you as, how about you be an original one of a kind version of you! You are worthy. Beautiful. Creative.

The world needs more of you as you, not you as a great imitation of someone else.

So how about going forward in this season of expecting miracles and celebration - we focus on you and celebrating all of your unique qualities!

That's what I want to see and read about. You, as you were intended to be.

 Amen. Selah. Deep breath. Be the best you!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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