
Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Be a Booth Babe in a #MeToo Era - the Conundrum of the CES Show 2019

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Monday to ya too! For me, today is the first real day back to life and to begin the new year 2019. My son has returned to school, and I'm back in the studio and online working as well as a full schedule of events.

One in particular, is the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas, or CES.

Yes, I do love technology. And cars. And cars full of new technology. Normally I am on the show floor working for a tech brand. I scan badges, gather emails, distribute swag premiums, run giveaways, crowd gather and engage the guests in the top takeaway facts of the new product.

Though - not this year. It's different. I have my opinion and a loose gathering of facts from an online survey I ran over the past few weeks.

I believe and support the #MeToo movement and #TimesUp. It has done a tremendous amount of justice wrangling to the women who have had no voice. Who have suffered assault and trauma, especially in the work place.

There is a greater toll on a smaller side to the movement in my experience and that is, as a woman who regularly works at trade show conventions as a brand ambassador - or - booth babe, work has all but dried up.

The CES show is a massive city overtaking event that covers the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Aria, Cosmopolitan Sands Expo and more.  The expo show floor is covered in several thousands booths with brands that have a product to demonstrate and educate the attendees on it's benefits. That's where the brand ambassador, or booth hostess and some call her, the booth babe comes in. When I'm on the show floor it's my job to draw you to the booth, demonstrate the product, scan your badge and make sure that you leave your email in trade for some swag.  I like helping people find their new favorite product, or discover a new solution to an old problem and mainly be entertained at the advancements technology has made in a lifetime.

There are many sides to this conversation. There is me, who genuinely desires to help the guest and the brand that booked me to work.

There are some gals, that are just there to bare their breasts and do nothing else to collect the paycheck. I've heard and read articles like this one from @Spencerchen who wrote a guest article for Tech Crunch about how booth babes don't convert. I know what and who he is talking about. I've seen and worked with those gals who clearly are there to make some money in between their acting career gigs.

As an independent contractor in an ever changing field of gigs and employment it can be very difficult to get repeat gigs with brands because the booking agent changes often. Something about high stress and intense demand of work for low pay.

So goes life.

I've been following along on Twitter with the #CES2019 hashtag and read this article from
USA Today about how 'booth babes' are less obvious but not gone - written by Edward Baig and Jessica Guynn. The tone of the article mentions female executives relieved to not see the female brand ambassadors on the show floor. While another female executive says there are so few women on the CES speaking panels.

This is the conundrum of the CES show and brand ambassador, or booth hostess / booth babe work going forward for conventions and large events in a #MeToo era.

A business owner friend of mine has mentioned that when ever she booked a charity golf tournament in the past year and a half - she was asked to not bring her caddies. These caddies are women who have for the past decade worked the charity event as brand ambassadors to help staff the event. Nope. Not anymore.

Seems to me that the same old problem has a new shirt. Or different wrapper. Some women are working hard to be noticed for their work gifts and talents, some are getting by on their personal assets and some are trying to hold on to the lil bit o' ground they have so they shove the others working towards the success goal off the playground.  Sound familiar?

Please let me know in the comments your experiences and share this blog post so others can see the flip side of the coin!

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

P.S. If you would like to read a little bit more from the other side of the coin in the booth babe world, check out this article on Jezebel from Elaine - it's worth a look!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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