
Friday, January 18, 2019

On the Road to Sundance 2019

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Friday and double happy long weekend. Thank you Dr Martin Luther King for all of your service and moving forward on ideas and dreams!

Which brings me to Sundance Film Festival. Next week, talented actress Judy and I are hitting the road to Park City in a Volkswagon for Lions Rest Productions.

More on the story below - but for those of you who need to just cut to the chase, here is a Paypal button to put any amount - every dollar counts - to help Judy and I make to to Utah by January 24th.

For those of you who would like to know more of the story and why this female filmmaker story is on my makeup page - here's the back story: a century ago, or so it feels like that, I had started in work in film production. I'm definitely a behind the camera kinda gal versus be in front. That's where Judy comes in - she's the talent and goes in front of the camera!

Judy on set of the pilot filming for Finding Chupa 

She worked with me on the pilot for Finding Chupa, my mockumentary reality tv series.  You can learn more about that on it's Facebook page here:

 Me location scouting in Mescal for JAEL

So like I was saying - I finished my first film degree in Arizona, worked on some studio productions, then went back and did another version of a film degree in New York before working on some independent productions and then bada boom bada bing, I wound up in the makeup trailer.

After a turn in the 90's at Slamdance and SXSW with my first film series, "The Satori Chronicles", I'm now returning to the beginning and taking my talent with me!

 Me at Slamdance with Troma's Toxie

We are producing a project along the way to document the process and then have some meetings in Park City for SVOD acquistion and distribution. Amen!

Please, if you could, would you please donate via Paypal to the journey - there and back again!

No amount is too large or too small! We are using the funds for gas, food, and lodging.

Thank you in advance and please stay tuned to Instagram and Twitter to follow along on the road to Sundance!


P.S. If you aren't able to donate - would you please share? It really makes a difference!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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