
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday Lent Wine Review

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Woot Woot!
Well, I'm nearly all better - nearly - and it's time to celebrate and have a glass of wine! Shabbat needs a glass of wine in my world! Speaking of celebrations - the Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras season has led us into the season of Lent.

No matter where you are in your walk of faith - or not - it's a great time to reflect on where you are, who you are and where you are going and who you are becoming! Consider these items in the photo below:

So I picked up this bottle - can you guess from where - on my trip to the Oscars in the Los Angeles area. I am not in the studio, I'm actually walking in the back yard and enjoying the beautiful desert!

Join me and enjoy this review. Let me know in the comments what you are sipping on!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

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