
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wine Wednesday with a Twist

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

 Happy Wednesday! Oh this middle of the week feels like a Monday! How about you?
So this Wine Wednesday actually has a twist to it - watch and enjoy the video!

Today also happens to be the first day of spring and my Arizona day is actually a lovely grey and cloudy day! Just what I like! Why? Because July and it's month long over 110 degree days with a night time low of 100 degrees is coming! That's why!

I mention in the video Just Judy - my Sundance Film Festival travling buddy who is competing in the Miss California pageant - details here:


All supplies are in the video but for those who may not watch to the end, you will need:
Orange juice
Maker's Mark

Stir and enjoy!

Let me know in the comments what your favorite cocktail and upcoming action film are!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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