
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wine Wednesday: The Request Day - Post Your Go To Must Have Summer Wine

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Happy Wednesday - more like Winesday around here!

So, due to yesterday's accidental morning dose of melatonin and not getting my video assignments done and countless other things, I am not able to get online and do a live video today with a review of all of my new favorite wines from Israel!

I only have one left !  Next week I will do the Israeli wine video review.

Now - it's summer. Well, sort of. Our weather here in Arizona has been so weird! It would normally be warming up but instead we have had one freak storm after another. So much rain, which is a good thing - just odd.

Please let me know in the comments here on the blog or on the Facebook page for MakeupUniversity - what is your go to must have summer wine?

I wanna know!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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