
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

REsolve Tuesday / Begin Again - 49 days left in 2019 - What Do You NEED To Do?

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Thank you so much for tuning in today and watching this 49 day countdown for achieving goals til 2020. Whoa. 2020!

Ok. Let that sink in. You are a mere 49 days, less than 2 months away from the beginning of a new decade. No Y2K fear here. Just reverence for the time and knowing what needs to be done. Period.

In the thumbnail for the video, you can see that I have 2 lists made. Out of all the comments and emails I receive about the #REsolveTuesday series, it can all be boiled down to 2 main categories of goals people are working on, money and health.

Some are looking to reduce debt, or increase income while others are looking to lose weight, gain muscle and get into a healthy fit lifestyle.

I know how life can do you sideways and get you off track of what you had set out to accomplish.

So please see how simple my lists are and how you can implement and modify them into your week - then copy it into your iCalendar or google calendar and put an alarm in your phone so you don't miss taking massive action on your dreams. Which by the way, are worthy of being accomplished and pursued.

Money list: massive action step areas to do daily/weekly
1.  Calls:  old clients, new clients, past clients, people who didn't become clients
2. Emails: newsletter, follow ups, reach outs, cold emails, introductions
3. Meetings: meet with yourself and firm up your goals/actions, make meeting with clients
4. Upsell:  where in your product/podcast/newsletter can you upsell - or book another client
5.  Socials: how can you improve your social activity for your bottom line
6.  Live videos:  where & when can you add live video for your business
7. REST - God made the Earth in 6 days then rested. If it's good enough for God, it will work for you too!

Health list:  massive action steps for your fitness

1. Walk - which day are you walking on and is it for distance or heart rate
2.  Fast - intermittent fasting helps your body - when can you add this to your week
3. Weightlifting - this step is so key to building bone mass and strength while increasing metabolism to burn fat when resting - so when can you add weights?  Weights while walking?
4. Class: if you need motivation of a group, join a class and make it a priority.
5.  Buddy test:  doing a workout/run/class with another person to challenge you and hold accountable
6. Outdoor workout - mix it up to keep your body guessing and using different muscles is one benefit and the other is that it's just good to get outdoors.
7.  REST - God made the Earth in 6 days then rested. If it's good enough for God, it will work for you too!

Please let me know in the comments what you are working on to achieve by 2020! Thank you for watching - please subscribe and share!

The supplement I mention in the video is Source Naturals Wellness Formula.

I've taken it for quite sometime and give it to my cub and it never disappoints! When I don't take it and travel or work a convention - I've gotten sick and regretted not buying it!

Please use this affiliate link for Amazon to get yours just in time for  Thanksgiving travel!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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