
Monday, August 31, 2020

Mane Club via Harmon Face Values - Thoughts & Musings

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thanks so much for tuning in today! I have a video with a light review of the Mane Club hair conditioning packets available at Harmon Face Values as well as some positive encouragement for you. 

If you have subscribed, thank you! If you haven't would you please consider it! I hope this finds you doing awesome and amazing and ready to excel through the end of 5780 and launch in 5781. 
Amazon affiliate link for you to get some great hair conditioning masks! Amika - one of my all time favorite products!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, August 28, 2020

FARMASI Friday with The Savvy Mama

HI ya Gorgeous!
Happy Friday to you and welcome to the new subscribers! Today I have an "unbagging" for you of a new lippie that was sent to me from The Savvy Mama, Krystal!

Thank you so much for sending me a sweet surprise and I LOVE lippies!

The Savvy Mama is introducing me to FARMASI - use this link to get your own healthy, nontoxic beauty products:

Check my IG stories later today to see the wear of this Wild Rose #103 lippie from Farmasi after eating pizza for lunch! This liquid lipstick is $11.90! At that price you can buy 2!

The Savvy Mama is running a special for you - if you order $50 of Farmasi with her, she will include a special bonus for you!

So order today and get your Labor Day weekend look now!

Here is about Farmasi from there website - such a beautiful history!

We have 67 years of experience in cosmetics & health industry...
We have been working very hard for the last 80 years to make better products, to create better opportunities, to help more people, and to make you happier.
Farmasi is an international beauty and personal care manufacturer, retailer and direct selling company in Beauty, Personal Care, Households and Wellness, and accessories product categories. Long ago, we started our journey as a pharmaceutical manufacturer back in 1950’s with our founder, Dr. Tuna, but as time passed our business evolved into cosmetics manufacturing.

If you want to truly understand the heritage of Farmasi, we must see it as 2 separate entities. The first one is our state-of-the-art manufacturing company. We have one of the largest integrated cosmetics manufacturing plants in the world which is located in Istanbul, Turkey in an ecological environment. Integrated manufacturing means that we not only produce the bulk product, but also product most of our own packaging in-house, and we obtain our waters from the wells located within our facilities. We are mostly surrounded by beautiful green environment. Up to date, we have formulated thousands of products, launched more than 2.000 products, and shipped our products to over 125 countries all around the world.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Allure Beauty Box : yay or nay?

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Ok - I'm thinking - of trying a beauty box. I've done a beauty subscription before and didn't like it because I rarely received the things that I asked to try.

So the Ipsy glam bag wasn't for me - but - aybe the Allure Beauty Box through Amazon Prime is?

Have you tried this? Do you recommend it?  I do not want to spend $50 a month on a beauty box, the $15 is about right. $10 would be better though I've put in my subscription order and I am excited to see what shows up!

I'll unbox and review it when it arrives!

This link will help you sign up for your own Allure Beauty Box through Amazon Prime if you like!  

 *affiliate link
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wine Wednesday via Chocovine

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thank you for tuning in today for a wine review on this oh so hot and humid Wednesday. Yes, the diet and healthy eating has given way to cup o' comfort sips during this heat wave/back to online school, 2020 so far kinda year. 
Meet this gift wine, which I am pretty sure is a perfect gift for someone you don't like! Say hello, to Chocovine. It's wine. 
It's chocolate. It's Chocovine. 

So - enjoy the video - and this link to Amazon to get some 
Thank you for watching and subscribing!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Back to School Online Begins Now - Success Tips for Moms

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Good morning and welcome back to school. Online.

Wow. 2020. You are quite the conundrum. As a Mom, I look forward to back to school shopping, and all of the school supplies to prepare for a new year of learning. Truth be told, in general, I just love school supplies!

This year is different. Way different. It is akin to the time we homeschooled yet now there is a different format and check in times and a structure to the "online" world of high school through the public school system.  So far, so good. 

Though this year, there is no new backpack, or lunch bag or clothes! Why spend the money when we are on a permanent "until further notice" for covid guidelines and safety to return to school.

 I saw some tone deaf ads from brands about buying and saving on new back to school gear and I think that's what happens when the marketing department schedules out media buys a year in advance.

Going forward into the 2020 online school year, here are a few tips to help you and your student:

1. Keep a sleep schedule - as if - you were attending school on campus

2. Make a sacred study space - no breaching of the learning space so the student becomes consistent in where learning happens for online school

3.Eliminate distractions and if you have siblings, keep them separated by the dollar store tri fold presentation board

4. Keep a school/study/lunch/break schedule so the student is acclimated to the learning routine and if school campus reopens, the transition will be smooth.  Part of this step is to have the student "dress" for school. No pajamas, put a real shirt on and sit down at the computer like it's a class meeting in person.

5. Have fun with it.  This is not the end of the world. It's like a dress rehearsal for something else and a new way of operating.

You got this back to school online moms!

p.s.  School is out at 3 pm and happy hour starts at 3:10 pm. Ka ching!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

🦖 Wine Wednesday - Crooks and Prospectors 2017 red blend

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thanks for tuning in today for an impromptu wine review of a lil somethin' I picked up at the Grocery Outlet. 

 This is my favorite place to pick up great wines at a good discount. It's also a menagerie of sorts and flavors for all types of foods and beverages. 
Thanks again for watching - if you haven't subscribed yet please do! This Amazon affiliate link takes you to the lightning deals of the day page Which is sort of like an outlet online ... enjoy!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Last Days Survival Guide - part 2

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
 It's a Tuesday here and I have a second look into the book I'm studying through from Rick Renner. It's called Last Days Survival Guide and it's a fun and fresh take on the current climate.

The book is available on Amazon in Kindle format or hardback and soft cover. This book can stand alone as a read or study tool as well as a partner to basic Bible reading.
I think what I like best about this book is the practical steps and action strategies that are included. Even if you are not a believer, or belong to an organized religion, this book will be an encouragement for you.

Thank you for tuning in today and watching! I hope this helps you and if you can get the book, you will enjoy it! 
This Amazon affiliate link will take you straight to it: This book review picks up on yesterday and has some insight as well. 
 If you haven't subscribed yet, would you please consider subscribing and dinging the bell! The summer of somethin' is on a roll!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Last Days Survival Guide - a book review and read through

Hi ya Gorgeous! 
Thank you for tuning in today during this "summer of somethin'!" - today I have a book sample that I received to read and review. 

I really enjoyed the strategic thinking and action plan made available in this book by Rick Renner. You can enjoy and learn from reading this book on it's own or pair it with your Bible.

Over all, I find that the mindset shift in the book to help you know that you have been chosen to be part of the end time, last of the last days team of people to steward the Earth is a good thing.

It is definitely an opportunity of a life time! Remember, you get what you focus on.


This link on Amazon will take you to the order page; 
This is my affiliate link, thank you for shopping with me! 
This link is for my own ebooks available now: 
The Ultimate Legoland California Guide 

How to Work the Word for Results

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Wine Wednesday with Standing Goat

Hi ya Gorgeous

Thank you so much for watching today! Standing Goat is so good! I got this at Grocery Outlet - though  it is also available at Total Wine and

The love for Paso Robles wines comes from the road trip a few years back where my family actually accidentally stumbled upon the wine country.

Thank you for watching - and subscribing to this "Summer of Somethin'!"

Amazon affiliate link for what is said as "the best" vacuum seal wine stopper

Thank you for watching - and subscribing!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Monday: re-review of Perfect Image Glycolic at home peel - and then some

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Happy Monday - and happy August! Now August - better get it's behind in gear and not be a savage like these other months have been!

I have lots of commentary in this video  -AND - questions which I would love your answers to!

I have completed another usage of the Perfect Image glycolic at home peel and I love it more now than I did when I first used it.

Are you still buying lipsticks or lip kits of lip color of any kind?

Would you go back to the theater - and do you look in the Valpak? That is a serious question!

Thank you for watching and subscribing to this "Summer of Somethin'!"

Amazon affiliate link for the Perfect Image 50% glycolic peel

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Best You Expo featuring Dr. Melinda Malovoz - Healing Cancer with Foods

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Today I want to share with you an event that you can tune in to online via Zoom from anywhere in the world! Normally the expo is live and in person - but - during the shut down, there has been a shift to the online platform.

I think you will enjoy learning from Dr. Malovoz . Below is the excerpt from her expo page and links to her books and YouTube - get started transforming your life now!

Links to help:

It's not over yet the still small voice would tell me, " Keep Going. "  As I overcome the occults, terminal cancer, addiction to become an International Integrative Nutritionist, Molecular Gastronomist, Chef, Lymphologist. All odds were against me. But I didn't care I used those odds as stones to unlimited success. I no longer buy real state in my tragedy. I have been teaching since 2010 that you can overcome all odds. For when the spiritual malady is gone the mind and body follow. Join me for a Powerful talk on August 1, 2020, at 1 pm in the inspirational room. I created several programs to help people from all walks of life to overcome what is keeping them from their best. Yes, I still listen to Les Brown daily. But it's more than listening to great people, it's about truly getting into your core and deciding to be what you are meant to be. Here are the programs I provide:
    Is it time for a change? I can guarantee your best life with a few simple steps. I believe in you! You haven't given up yet. this is your ticket the best life ever! Let Dr. Melinda Malovoz show you how you can take charge of all areas of your life now! You didn't fail. Up until now, we didn't have the answers we have now. Take charge of your Life now!  
  Packages :  One Year           50K 
                           6 months           25k
                           3 months           12k
                           2 months            6k 
                           1 month.          2500.


 We would see what your primary foods are. This is your hobbies, career, relationships, hopes, and lifestyle.
         We would look at your secondary foods. This is how you eat in the world. Are you eating your emotions? Are you eating to live? 
         We then would look at your bio-individuality. This is the uniqueness or you. There is no snowflake the same. Dr. Malovoz honors your uniqueness. 
         We would do a genetic test and get the nutrition  that feeds your cells
         I would teach you Lymphology, iridology, the importance of eating Living Foods, along with a 75 page DNA report. You would also have a 
         personalized cookbook made by The Living Chef herself          
            Learn how to tone your muscles and keeping healthy organs. this is understanding the basics of cleanses incorporated with meditation,      willingness to get rid of the things that you would need to give up for you to be successful in your life now. 
         Spiritual healthiness: In this, you will learn the bigger picture, the part you play, and what was holding you back
        Different Modalities to overcome obstacles.  this is like have a bunch of different tools in your bag you can use, guaranteeing success. 

         Come meet me at my booth every day at 1 pm -5pm. 

Topic: Dr. Melinda Malovoz Booth SOUL TIES INC
Time: Aug 1, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
        Every day, until Aug 7, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)
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        Aug 2, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 3, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 4, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 5, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 6, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 7, 2020 01:00 PM
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Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!