
Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Best You Expo featuring Dr. Melinda Malovoz - Healing Cancer with Foods

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Today I want to share with you an event that you can tune in to online via Zoom from anywhere in the world! Normally the expo is live and in person - but - during the shut down, there has been a shift to the online platform.

I think you will enjoy learning from Dr. Malovoz . Below is the excerpt from her expo page and links to her books and YouTube - get started transforming your life now!

Links to help:

It's not over yet the still small voice would tell me, " Keep Going. "  As I overcome the occults, terminal cancer, addiction to become an International Integrative Nutritionist, Molecular Gastronomist, Chef, Lymphologist. All odds were against me. But I didn't care I used those odds as stones to unlimited success. I no longer buy real state in my tragedy. I have been teaching since 2010 that you can overcome all odds. For when the spiritual malady is gone the mind and body follow. Join me for a Powerful talk on August 1, 2020, at 1 pm in the inspirational room. I created several programs to help people from all walks of life to overcome what is keeping them from their best. Yes, I still listen to Les Brown daily. But it's more than listening to great people, it's about truly getting into your core and deciding to be what you are meant to be. Here are the programs I provide:
    Is it time for a change? I can guarantee your best life with a few simple steps. I believe in you! You haven't given up yet. this is your ticket the best life ever! Let Dr. Melinda Malovoz show you how you can take charge of all areas of your life now! You didn't fail. Up until now, we didn't have the answers we have now. Take charge of your Life now!  
  Packages :  One Year           50K 
                           6 months           25k
                           3 months           12k
                           2 months            6k 
                           1 month.          2500.


 We would see what your primary foods are. This is your hobbies, career, relationships, hopes, and lifestyle.
         We would look at your secondary foods. This is how you eat in the world. Are you eating your emotions? Are you eating to live? 
         We then would look at your bio-individuality. This is the uniqueness or you. There is no snowflake the same. Dr. Malovoz honors your uniqueness. 
         We would do a genetic test and get the nutrition  that feeds your cells
         I would teach you Lymphology, iridology, the importance of eating Living Foods, along with a 75 page DNA report. You would also have a 
         personalized cookbook made by The Living Chef herself          
            Learn how to tone your muscles and keeping healthy organs. this is understanding the basics of cleanses incorporated with meditation,      willingness to get rid of the things that you would need to give up for you to be successful in your life now. 
         Spiritual healthiness: In this, you will learn the bigger picture, the part you play, and what was holding you back
        Different Modalities to overcome obstacles.  this is like have a bunch of different tools in your bag you can use, guaranteeing success. 

         Come meet me at my booth every day at 1 pm -5pm. 

Topic: Dr. Melinda Malovoz Booth SOUL TIES INC
Time: Aug 1, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
        Every day, until Aug 7, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)
        Aug 1, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 2, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 3, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 4, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 5, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 6, 2020 01:00 PM
        Aug 7, 2020 01:00 PM
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Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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