
Thursday, January 7, 2021

2021 - Here We Go!

 Hi ya Gorgeous,

The year is not even a week old and already, we are having some tumultuous times! Today, I just have a short bit of encouragement for you. 

I wanted to tell you that these are Nehemiah like days. You will need to be building your business and caring for your family with one hand, while also helping the community and defending with the other hand.  That is my paraphrase of Nehemiah's story in the Bible.

Going forward into this year I highly, highly suspect we will still experience a lot of bumps along the way.  I also highly doubt that life will return to anything pre-covid 'like' we knew it. 

So what do you do?  You pull yourself up by the bootstraps or sneaker shoe laces and move forward. You may not know what it will look like but the sooner you get to designing what it is you would like to to appear as, the better.

You, are the CEO and in charge of your life and you need to work for your goals. Yes, it may be hell in a hand basket around you, though you will have prepared your family, business, and friends to be ready for anything. All while, looking gorgeous!

Here's to you! Cheers!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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