
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday - the Lenten season has begun!

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Happy Lent. Some of you may have a hangover - as Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras can sometimes lead to over indulgence.

That's because Lent begins today - and however you choose to move forward just trust that you are on the right path! 


The first Ash Wednesday ceremonies were likely held sometime in 11th century CE. It's never mentioned in the Bible, but there is a verse in the Book of Daniel that links fasting to ashes, and some scholars believe this is the origin of the Lenten practice.

 So, in short, give up who you were so you can step into who you can be! Enjoy the season and lean in as you are led from the Lord! 


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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