
Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday Blogs: The "make up" of holiday preparations now - watch!

Hi ya Gorgeous!
How are you? Today's video blog post is part suggestion, part commentary, and part "what I want for Christmas"! Yes - it's time to be thinking ahead to the holidays if you want to have product availability. I don't mean from hot items like Tickle Me Elmo selling out but actual, physical, availability of goods!

Today's video is important, like, even sideways important that if you haven't set yourself up to buy ahead of time, then now, is the time to do it. May I repeat that for you? I am a Black Friday shopper for my Christmas and holiday preparations. 
Yet, this year, 2021 is different. I think the Suez blockage and traffic jam of shipping ships and containers is going to have an impact on us regular people for the holiday season. So for the first time in nearly 20 years, I am NOT going to wait for Black Friday/Shop Small Saturday/Cyber Monday sales.
Not me. 
Not this year. 
I am doing my shopping now. No, not wrapping now yet preparing for the season ahead of time. I am getting the household ready. I am in a self imposed "open one, order one" routine for my lifestyle items and getting my gifts ready now. Here are some basics that you may enjoy as well, yes, these are affiliate links and I get a penny when you click. 
So thank you very much! Gifts for the whole family: 
LASER TAG - (* I can hardly wait to open this with the fam!*) 
Burrito blanket: The fam watches a new film on a holiday weekend and I am looking forward to the joy of us all, wrapping up in our own burrito snuggly blankets! 
I DEW luxury skincare box set (just what you need to care for you!) 
p.s. Yes, that is my RoC vitamin C face wash with retinol that I have been using for months and LOVE! 
The creme I am holding is the crepe erase - have only been using for a week. Yes, love,though need a little bit more time of usage to be able to report on it! Thank you for watching and enjoy! 
Now get ordering! Say it with me "open one, order one!"




Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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