
Monday, May 2, 2022

Is Pineapple an Anti-Inflammatory Food?

HI ya Gorgeous, 

Here's the thing - I'm slowly - ever so slowly switching and adding the anti-inflammatory foods into a regular meal plan to stick to as an anti-inflammatory diet. 


I did follow the week menu that I found here on YouTube. It was good - but - personally, too much food prep to fit into my busy schedule. It's a work in progress for me.

 I am adding in more fresh pineapple because I love this fruit and it has more benefits than you can shake a stick at! 

Such as: 

1. Bromelain - boom. Case of goodness closed! 

2. Anti-oxidant benefit 

3. Digestion benefit 

4. Anti-inflammatory benefit 

5. Makes an amazing cocktail! 

So, whether you use fresh, canned or dried, get some pineapple in your menu! Here's to trying something new and healing with food! 


Pineapple spears in coconut water 

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 #mealprep #antiinflammatory 


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