
Thursday, October 9, 2008

The leaves are changing and so should you! content:

Celebrities' "Ugly Betty" Transformations

How hairstyles, makeup (and surgery?) makeovers have changed stars like Gwen Stefani and Ashlee Simpson-Wentz

Okay, so none of these women were ever ugly, but all of them used hair, makeup and even surgery to go from blah to stunning throughout their careers. In honor of the season premiere of "Ugly Betty" on ABC, we present our gallery of the most noticeable celebrity transformations. Do you like their original look or their new one better?

See celebrities

Ah, it's Fall and leaves are changing and transforming. If you have never made a change to your look and have been wearing the same dated appearance since you felt you looked your best.

Why not make a change now? There is no time like the present!

Start with makeup because it's the least expensive and easiest. Such as trying a new shade of lipstick, adding lip liner or experimenting with false eyelashes.

These are my favorites and the quickest way to add glam to any face!

Second, go for skin care or a facial. Especially if you are going to add an at home treatment that does a mini peel such as Ellen Lange, DDF, or thermal fusion from Arbonne.

Consider tooth whitening treatments at home as a way of updating your appearance too! This is not considered vain, but rather important to our modern day society. For $30 you can make a significant difference in your smile.

Finally, go for the hair change. Whether you grab a box of Feria and do a home haircoloring kit ( remember: stay within two shades of your natural color) or go to the salon for a cut.

Simple, gradual additions to your beauty routine can make a difference in your mood, your pocket book because you may get a raise when you look more professional and your social life.

Enjoy the changing of your seasons and send the pics!
Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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