
Friday, October 10, 2008

Shea Terra Organics! I'm in love! Get yours! content:

Makeup Primer: Worth the Extra Step?

Find out if they make a visible difference

Pro makeup artist Molly Stern says primers are meant to serve as a layer between skin and foundation to create a more even surface. But not everyone needs them. "The best candidate for them would be someone who is very oily or has a lot of scarring from acne," she says. But do primers actually make a difference? We had two women of different ages each test a top foundation primer geared toward their skin type. Find out if their makeup looked better ... and if anyone noticed.

See primers

I know, I pretty much love everything. Though, this is different. Wow, it's just different.
Shea Terra Organics was created by Tammie Umbel, a woman who has built many businesses, is raising a family of 11, organic farming, helping create sustainable incomes and economic stimulus for women in Africa a world away all the while healing skin one tub of shea butter at a time.

I'm impressed and I so love Africa. A portion of the proceeds for each Shea Terra Organics product are donated to self empowermetn and environmental programs.

Here's what's different: most shea butter products have around 5% of actual shea butter in them, but the Shea Terra Organics line has upto 40%!

There are no parabens! No petrochemicals! No mineral oil! Cruelty free, and 99-100% natural without sulfates or artificial fragrance or colors.

Other ingredients in the line are honeybush, goat's milk, Kalahari seed oil, Kigelli, Marula oil, pomegranate, rooibos, tamanu, and of course, West African shea butter.

I've tried alot of products in my day, but this is so creamy, rich, emollient, quick absorption rate, lasting effect on the skin and it smells of Africa.

It makes me want to raise money to buy some goats for some gals over there to help them and their families. I mean, isn't that what we all want? A better life for our families? Isn't helping someone else help themselves worth it? Stay tuned for the goat fund.

In the meantime, you've got to get some of this. I"m giving away the Miambo Mango shea butter lotion. I tested it. It's hard to part with it, but I have to get this to someone to try. It's so good.

You can order your Shea Terra Organics from their website or find it at Nordstroms and select boutiques listed on their website.

Here's the other catch about why I like this line, it's so affordable. It's just around $20 for a large tub. And such a little bit goes along way. Once it begins to warm with your skin temperature it starts to liquify and melt into you as you rub it on. Just like butter!

So, you can buy something for less and have to use more and it not be as healing or nourishing. Or, go for the best. You are worth it! You deserve it. And as you indulge yourself in this shea butter for all your butter deprived parts, somewhere in Africa on the other side of the world, there is a woman whose life is improving because of the sustainable and environmental business practices of the company.
To get your hands on the Miambo Mambo shea butter lotion: please email your name, contact info and goat money raising idea to my email. I'll pick the best idea, and if it's yours, send you the Miambo!

Bridal Makeup DIY Style: How To Take Control of Your Wedding Day Beauty for brides who would rather spend the money on cake!

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