
Monday, March 1, 2010

Confessions of an HCG dieter

What an adventure this has been and it's definately been more than I bargained for!
Though for as challenging as it has been I appreciate what I have learned along the way.

Life gems such as: I really can cook fish and have it not be awful! In fact I really like it now and consider it more of a weekly food staple than a restaraunt treat.

I also am a new grapefruit eater. Yep, daily I have a grapefruit with a wee bit of stevia and cinnamon on it. I can honestly say delicious! I have you to thank Dr. Simeons and the HCG Diet Protocol for my new grapefruit habit.

Melba is not a household word and a daily struggle to not eat the whole box in one sitting. I love salty crunchy snacks and that is exactly what this is! The sea salt rounds are my favorite Melba and I can only imagine what those are going to taste like dipped in some French Onion sour creme dip somewhere along the way.

Alas, there are challenges that have come along such as the intense cravings. I no longer have the serious case of hungries that plagued me the first week, but I have serious snack cravings for sweets. Odd since I am not normally a sweet eater.

The protocol does not advocate exercise ( odd, isn't it) but I can't give up my daily running. So when it comes to "Pounds and Inches" I can honestly say that between the running and the cheating I have lost 8 pounds total and lost 5 inches, then gained 'em back, lost 'em and gained 'em and maybe after tomorrow's weigh in I'll have lost them again.

Wow, at that rate, it makes it seem like I have really lost alot! My goal in HCG dieting is to reset my hypothalmus gland and so onward I press on.  I am curious to know how do I know that my hypothalmus gland has been reset by following Dr. Simeons diet protocol? Will I receive an email confirmation or will I just "know"?

Since I've cheated so much I'm not exactly sure what day I am on and have restarted several times. Well, isn't that the beauty of the American way and being in Jesus? Every day is a new day and no time like the present to begin, or begin again!

I toast my melba to you and your success!
Remember: you are beautiful!
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