
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Generation Beauty by Ipsy: what was day 1 like at LA Live

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Here's a little picture tour through my first day at the Generation Beauty event sponsored by Ipsy and created by Michele Phan.

So, I was a wee touch late in my start. Sorry. Something about the late night before.

 Do you do this? Take a photo of where you park your car so you can find it later?

 Woo hoo! Look at all these beautiful YouTubers! Beauty bloggers!

 Ok. This year is my third year and finally, it truly is a mix of a "Generation" of women. The first year, the main demographic was very young girls, like mid-teens to early twenties.

The second year there was a greater mix, and more of a professional "YouTube' ness to it.  This year?
The third year there were mommas and babies, grandmas, teens, twenty-somethings, bodies of all shapes and sizes and such a collective mix of ethnicities. Truly, a Generation of Beauty!

 So each year I have visited the lines for brands has been different and this year, something new popped up. The "Line Closed" sign. I went by Too Faced for the new "Born This Way" sample-and every time I went the line was closed!

The Too Faced booth staff color matched each individual person and then gave a full size bottle! Whoa! It was worth the sport of bustling through the crowd and checking the line. 4 times total I went by on Saturday and four times the line was closed!

 But in the meantime, the lovelies at Jouer who did not have a closed line had these lil goodies! Perfect for travel!

A girl has gotta eat right? There was a greater variety of food trucks this year and so many great choices too! I went for the hot dog because it had the shortest line.

 So, here is the bag of swag goodies I received at the Ipsy Studios party last night. Nice. I laid it all out in hopes to find a way to organize? The SoHo bag is stuffed with more makeup! Lashes too!

 The day has been long and wonderful. This little gem of a paper mask from Sephora was in the bag and gosh did I ever need it! I'm a bit dehydrated from the tequila and champagne the night before!

 When you visit your local Sephora they will have a large display of dozens of these masks in different formulations and they are in the $5 range. So stock up! Plus this package travels well!

Here I am ready to go to bed! I need some beauty rest!

Before I go, here is my favorite booth: Smashbox. Not just because they are a tremendous supporter of the blog but because there booth was amazing! It was really friendly and there were many artists doing touch ups and I may have forgot to mention that I have learned from past Generation Beauty events to not wear makeup because you get at least 5 faces applied through out the day.

So I went today with no makeup. Then every line I went to was closed! Except Smashbox!

It gets better.

Steven Khan was in the booth doing headshots! And I have no makeup on! He has been doing photoshoots with Smashbox for over 15 years. His work is amazing.

No need to wait and miss an opportunity simply because I have no makeup and my hair looks like a Yeti.
I got a touch up from the Smashbox artist and in to the hot seat I went!

Here is the results! bed for some beauty rest and then up and at it early tomorrow for Generation Beauty day 2!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Generation Beauty: what happened at the opening night party and Day 1 per Makeup University

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Well, the trip has been something else so far! 
The drive out was wonderful. Uneventful. Actually, it's always the same for the most part. It's a wide open spanse of desert road filled with big trucks until I get to Barstow. Then it becomes an open flood gate of high speed traffic. Serenity now!

The weather here in Los Angeles is a very fine, 68 degrees! I got a pedicure and now I am ready for the party tonight at Ipsy Studios in Santa Monica.

 I took my very first Uber to the party! What a great experience too!
So here I am checked in at the party and ready to meet the other YouTubers!

I love a photo booth! The ladies in attendance were dressed in there best and finery! Such great makeup looks too! Let's just say, that lashes were in abundance.

 Now, it's not the tequila talking here-it's that my camera doesn't take great photos when far away and in low light settings.
That's Michelle Phan welcoming the guests and doing a bag giveaway! Oh grr slow phone service! You had to text a message and show it, and then the lucky gal who was first got a new purse. Oh am I ever in the market for a new purse!

 Yes! That is a light up dance floor! To kick the dancing off there was a guest Bboy dancer who did a routine that was outstanding!

 Oy. My head the next day! I enjoyed some Milagro tequila and then on my way out found the berry concoction flavored champagne! So natch I had some of that too.

 The party was amazing. I personally, am a radical giver and very generous. Michelle Phan and the Ipsy team are too! The party was a wonderful treat full of tasty snacks and flavorful libations. Let's just say-starting early is looking like a challenge...

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Road trip! Ipsy Generation Beauty here I come!

Hello Gorgeous!
I need a personal Manny. Not sure what a Manny is? It's a male who does childcare instead of a woman.

My son. The LOVE of my life. Is always with me. On this epic trip with so many things going on; the LA Live Generation Beauty event by Ipsy (p.s. in case you have never seen the YouTube channel-he is always my big helper!), the Cinetransformers San Andreas screening, the Grammy Museum and let's just a say a lil ol' thing like staying a block from the BEACH!

I have to be 'on' and working the events, so I won't be fully available to meet Mancub's needs and discuss the situation or answer his questions. Plus these days are very, very long.

I wish I had a Manny who could travel with me and care for my child while I am working and then when I am free, be able to hand The Mancub back and let me enjoy the event with him.


Ok-back to Generation Beauty.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sleeping better during stressful travel with this simple ingredient

Hey ya Gorgeous!
As you know-this weekend is about to get cray cray in Los Angeles for the Ipsy sponsored #GenerationBeauty event!

What's making the journey with me is a wee bit of lavender essential oil.


Generation Beauty bound wearing Rimmel Scandaleyes turquoise eyeliner

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
So excited!!! Generation Beauty in Los Angeles starts tomorrow. The official kick off is a cocktail party at the Ipsy Studios. Wee!

Part of the summer beauty looks for 2015 is really bright blue eyeshadow and eyeliner.

If you remember Mimi, you too, won't be wearing the bright blue eyeshadow. Now eyeliner, I can do!

The new Rimmel Scandaleyes 007 turquoise liner is gorgeous! It wears well, if super affordable to add to your summer beauty routine and on me, it doesn't smudge!

So get yo'self some!

Stay in touch over the weekend on Instagram @CherelynnBaker and on Twitter @Cherelynn for the latest in #GenBeauty news!

You can find Rimmel at mass retailers everywhere!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What is your pocket fragrance for Generation Beauty at LA Live this weekend?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Well the packing strategy has begun and though I have my new Versace to take for my fragrance-I need a pocket fragrance.
Something to take the edge off of an early morning and long day mixed with warm weather and lots of meetshops.

So I'm going to pack 0.2 or in other words 0point2.

Get it? Learn more here...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Top Ten Beauty Items in my Generation Beauty travel vanity case

Hi ya Gorgeous,
It's Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday due to the holiday. So rise and shine! Up and at it!

I will be traveling to L.A. Live for my third, ...must be a charm...visit to the Ipsy sponsored Generation Beauty event.

So stinkin' excited! This is the first time that I will be able to attend both days. So stoked! So bummed there is not a YouTube space L.A. party this year.

I know that I will be picking up a super fat swag bag of new beauty products, but-the real question is: what are the  top ten items that will be making the trip with me?

See this photo, this is the bare bones minimum that I will be taking with me.

So let's go through it!

Here are the top ten...

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015: Never forget the sacrifice of those in our military

Hello Gorgeous,

Today is Memorial Day. It has become this bloated event of bbq's and mattress sales.
It's really a time to remember and honor those military veterans who have died in combat and service.

The National Moment of Remembrance encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died in service to the nation.

I'm not saying to give up your burger feast, or not go shopping. I'm saying to thank a veteran, to observe the moment of silence at 3 pm, and to never forget.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Peter Coppola Keratin Concept styling products now at Ulta Beauty

Oh hello Gorgeous!
How did you enjoy your Shavuot?
Mine was lovely!

One of my favorite things about writing the blog is that I get introduced to new brands that I might not have met had it not been for an introduction!

Meet the Peter Coppola Keratin Concept brand that is now exclusively at Ulta Beauty stores.

 I'm going to review the Peter Coppola Keratin Concept Just Blow-Blow Out Spray, the Infusion Anti-Frizz Cream and Steel medium hold hairspray!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Homemade Bath Bombs, Salts & Scrubs by Kate Bello - just what an at home spa on a long weekend needs

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Oh happy Saturday! It's a long holiday weekend, a time to honor, remember and thank our USA active military and veterans for Memorial day on Monday.

If you are at home, relaxing and want an at home experience, this book from Kate Bello is full of relaxing and healing!

I've used the Detoxifying Salt Soak found on page 71 in my foot spa. I loved it, except I did not have the ingredient French green clay, but it still felt good!

Friday, May 22, 2015

#GenBeauty in LA next week: you going?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
I'm about to start my shabbat, but before I do, I have a quick video for you and a question: are you going to #GenBeauty (Generation Beauty) by Ipsy next week in Los Angeles?

If yes, I would like to meet! I am looking for YouTube collaborators. Is that you?

Here is the video, comment on the video and tag #going and let's meet up!
I'm thinking cocktails at Wolfgang Pucks?

Shabbat Shalom!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

TGIF-Murad Skincare Prescription via Rita and oh so Dagoba this Friday is!

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Are you ready for the weekend? This long holiday weekend? It's Memorial Day, time to honor the fallen military and respect those military who are currently serving the United States worldwide.

From my heart to yours, THANK YOU USA MILITARY!

This weekend is odd: it had a full bevy of plans and events. They got cancelled. I would have traveled with my son, but I had the events. Now, in trying to rebook the events/gigs for the weekend, I am getting an inordinate amount of spam! Darn it!

So let's talk:

It's Friday, #TGIF! There is a whirlwind going on! In the meanwhile, I need to be practicing better self care. Enter my Murad Skincare routine prescribed by the most gorgeous gal ever, Miss Rita the esthetician at the Murad Spa in El Segundo CA.

 Now the spa skincare prescription regime!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

National Sunscreen Awareness month with MyChelle Sun Shield Coconut broad spectrum sunscreen

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
May is National Skin Cancer Awareness month- or, Melanoma May.

It's important to be aware of sun safety and the need to keep your skin covered, hydrated and protected. Skin Cancer Awareness

Meet MyChelle Dermaceuticals Sun Shiled Coconut Broad Spectrum spf 28 sunscreen! It's chemical free protection with ZinClear and titanium dioxide.

My favorite thing about it-it's also Reef Safe, meaning it's non toxic for the ocean environment.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Free tix for Phoenix Fashion Week Emerging Designer party on June 11th, 2015

Hey ya Gorgeous!
You know what your day needs? A free giveaway! A pair of tickets to attend a summer clam bake shin diggery of fun watching what's new in fashion in the greater Arizona area at the Phoenix Fashion Week Emerging Designer & Model Launch party!

So here's the deal-comment on the Makeup University Facebook page and give a like-tell me why you need these tickets!
This giveaway only runs for 48 hours so get talking and liking now!

Note: these are entrance tickets, for standing room, leaning, a bit of sashaying about. These are not seat tickets. Details on the Phoenix Fashion Week page here.

Now for some #wayback #Wednesday...

Me years ago at a Phoenix Fashion Week event circa 2011...bangs? What was I thinking!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Colleen Rothschild Beauty: Cleansing Balm for hot, dry, summer scorched skin

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
Recently my esthetician told me that I need to stop scrubbing so much and lay off the astringent cleanser-to get something milder and more gentle to the skin.

So now I am trying the Colleen Rothschild Beauty Cleansing Balm 
to soothe my dry desert skin that has been scrubbed too much!

Now let's meet the skincare!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to style "half up double knot" for easy summer hair style with Butterfly Studio Salon

Holla Gorgeous!

If I see another top bun hair style ... or side fish braid...*sigh* ... Wait. The stylists at Butterfly Studio Salon have created a simple double knot that also makes use of the half up/half down style.

Give it a try! Details below:

If you’re sick of the tired top knot or just ready to evolve the look, try this new twist on the effortless hairstyle, straight from the experts at Butterfly Studio Salon. Ideal for natural texture or 2nd (even 3rd!) day hair, it works with any length and texture. A lifesaver for frizzy hair days and so simple to create – not even a brush is needed! 

How-To: Half-Up Double Knot
1. First step: texturizing product/dry shampoo, which is essential for grip and hold when styling. (Kattia Solano, owner of Butterfly Studio loves Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray on the crown area) Lift hair, taking it by sections, spray at the root as if you were teasing and then massage through with your hands to work the product in.
2. Using your hands, section out a “horse shoe” shape of hair at the crown area. Thicker hair can opt for larger section while thinner hair can work with a smaller amount of hair. Rake through with your hands to brush and pull back hair to create a clean section.
3. With a small hair tie in one hand, take a section of hair and pull halfway through the tie, so that you are left with a little “pom-pom.” Wrap elastic around 2-3 times until secure without pulling all of the hair through. (Use small clear elastics so you won’t see the tie, and in case you don't wrap any hair around the knot the ties will be discreet.) 
4. Open up the pom-pom with your fingertips for fullness to create a textured knot, then wrap the hair ends around your knot once and tuck hair under the elastic band with ends sticking out. Keep the remaining length right under the pom-pom, as you will use the extra hair length to help with fullness and perfectly messy texture for your next knot. 
5. Create your next section right below the first by taking 1 1/2 to 2 inches of hair from the sides (horse shoe of “V” part all the way around the head). Use your hands again to gather and comb the hair back, then combine the hair ends from your first knot with your new section and repeat steps 3 and 4 - tying right under the first pom-pom, tucking through and leaving ends free. If your hair is long enough you can even wrap the extra hair around in a “figure eight” motion around both knots for detail.
6. To finish, spritz a little hairspray and then make it your own. Don't be afraid to muss it up - the more texture the better! To complete the look, Kattia recommends adding some height/volume at the front top of the head by slightly pulling/gently tugging hair up at the root with your fingers.

*With this hairstyle, volume is always at your side to rid limp hair and that unwanted greasy summer look once and for all. Play with positioning and create more knots for a change up or more customization for how you can wear it. You can even use bobby pins to change the knot shapes.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Billboard Music Awards, Taylor Swift and Conair Infiniti Pro brushes

Happy Monday!

It's been a whirlwind of traveling and events and I'm so glad to be home!


Now, back to the "normal" and I caught a lil bit of the Billboard Music Awards last night while unpacking and starting the laundry.

Hands down, Taylor Swift won on every level and she deserves it. She took a big risk by switching music genres and it paid off.

It's so #MayBreakthrough of her!

Here is the new video, Bad Blood, and it totally reminds me of Michael Jackson and Thriller. Talk about taking risks!

And of course...a product review....

Sunday, May 17, 2015

#MayBreakthrough wrap up! Thank you Hollywood and hello Las Vegas?!

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Phew. What a whirlwind this weekend has been! The #MayBreakthrough event was amazing. It was so "upper room" ish. I'm looking forward toward the next Breakthrough event in Las Vegas this summer! Stay tuned!

Now, here is a recap of the event in photos. Thank God the rain stopped long enough for us get together!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

#MayBreakthrough in Hollywood with #CaressSkin & #NuNaat hair care with a sneak peek video!

Holla Gorgeous!
So rainy here in California! Though rain or shine- the #MayBreakthrough event is happening in Hollywood!

 Here is a wee video sneak peak of what I will be teaching for summer beauty look!

Special thank you to #CaressSkin and #NuNaat #brazillian hair care for the amazing gifts you have donated for the ladies!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!