
Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Meet'n'Greet with Obagi, Perricone MD & MyChelle

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Happy Monday! I think I say it every week, I love Monday! I get a week's worth of work, writing, creating done in a Monday! Then, the rest of the week is about fleshing out the details of what I designed and planned on a Monday. Love it.

So, it's September. Arizona had 2 cool days and now we are right back over the 100 degree mark. Touche' Mother Nature.  It is also the amazing harvest season and new year celebration for Rosh Hashanah. Basically, my family started gettin' the shindiggery goin' on and now we shall keep it up for the next 2 weeks!

In fact, we just went to our first wine grape stomp in honor of this new era, new season, new year and new month being a time of new wine. Amen!

Now, today in the blog world - I have what I call a "meet'n'greet" of products. I recently had a laser facial and I wanted to upgrade my skincare. So I got some Obagi. Then Influenster sent Perricone MD and I had ordered more MyChelle too!

 Overall, I really like all the product lines. I love my tingly Obagi serum yet the Perricone MD is a silky hydrating layer of comfort. Then the weird thing that happened with the order from Amazon of MyChelle. I order that line a lot off of Amazon and have never had a problem til now!

All is revealed in the video.  Enjoy it. Share it. Going forward - may your new year be fruitful and blessed!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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