
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Never Forget - September 11, 2001

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today is a day of remembrance and reflection.
Thank you to the service of every first responder who reacted to the situation as it unfolded. Thank you to every police officer and military personnel who served in the aftermath.

As we remember those who lost their life, it's also important to remember the survivors. The children whose teachers ran with them to safety as the crash was happening. They survived. The citizens and city of New York who survived and committed to rebuilding the great city.

Today, it's important in the United States to take a moment, no matter what your beliefs are and honor those who lost life and those who clung to it.

I will never forget. I was in Hawaii. Part work. Part vacation. All awesome. I was at a Tony Robbin's event. I woke up like the other days - ready to enjoy paradise and a long, long day of learning. The air was different. People were different. Crying. So much crying. When I got out of the elevator at the resort I saw all of the tv's were showing the same loop of the planes hitting the towers.  People were standing in front of the screens, looking up, tears streaming down and it was part sadness, part anger, all confusion.

The day started on time but the program had dramatically shifted. Things changed that day and will never go back. That's why it's important to remember. To tell and retell the story so that it doesn't fade from memory.  I know people who remember everything about where they were when President Kennedy was shot. I feel like that. I remember every detail, down to the peach button up shirt and blue jeans with top sider shoes I was wearing that day. Black Betty Page styled hair down, creamy red lipstick on - no lashes, too long a day.

I remember every thing about the moment I found out and the day and following days later. How flying home to Arizona from Hawaii afterwards was all military presence in the airport and everything, including me, was scanned and prodded - every inch, nook and cranny for any trace of mayhem or bad intention.

I encourage you, to take a moment, say a prayer of grace for the fallen, of thanks for the survivors and strength for yourself going forward.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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