
Thursday, October 4, 2018

How to prepare for when help is weeks away -A Tropical Storm Rosa life lesson

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Oh the glorious grey cool breezy rainy days are slowing down. Thanks to Tropical Storm Rosa, my dry dry area has had a lovely few rainy days! Then in my email yesterday I got this sideways email from a survival group saying that September was "Survival September". Really?  How and where did you get my email and why are you sending me stuff?

Perhaps it's just a God bonk gobsmack to have a few extra things on hand, just in case. Tropical Storm Rosa gave my area a lovely wash of soft rain with clouds. The Phoenix and Yuma area of Arizona were not treated gently and there was been a lot of storm damage and flooding.

So to get that email yesterday was actually very timely as I also received the cell phone emergency test system alert. I was at the barber shop with my son and we were just talking about it; then the moment we walk out the door, both of your phones went off and we could hear others too!

I have recently seen in mainstream media that there is a possibility in a large event or attack or weather situation, help from local authorities or the government institutions could be days and maybe even weeks away, so it would be good to have a few supplies on hand, just in case!

So for the record, here's a definition:
A Prepper is a person who takes Personal Responsibility and Self Reliance seriously. Preparedness is an important part of life for a serious Prepper. They follow the Five Principles of Preparedness while they Walk the Path of the Prepper.

Hmm, perhaps we can all take a moment and prepare something in the pantry for our own families and neighbors.

So in doing some research, the Google came up with pages after pages of resources for being prepared.

Here are some links for you and then a simple guide of things FEMA recommends to have on hand in case of emergency - like - a really big emergency!

Final thoughts on this - there was not a mention in any of this lists for beauty items and I would like to add my two cents!

In these emergency preparedness lists - it says toiletries - though lets be more specific:
Hand creme/lotion - something in a pinch that you would want to use over your whole body
Dry shampoo for hair and body
Pack of baby wipes/body wipes

Maybe include in your survival kit, ladies hygiene, pet foods, and a deck of cards or small board game activity. Just in case it takes a while for the power to come back on.

What are your thoughts -which items do you have or do you recommend that are not on the lists?


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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