
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Would You Try These Arizona Wines? Meet Stetson Winery

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
You know what day it is? It's Wine Wednesday and today we are meeting two wines that I picked up at a grape stomping event here in my area of Arizona. About an hour from me is a patch of land that is just perfect for growing wine grapes! Meet Stetson Winery!

These were, interesting. Enjoy the video! Before I go - special shout out to all the first responders who helped during tropical storm Rosa in the greater Phoenix area. Many parts of Arizona received a year's worth of rain in 24 hours due to the storm.

The saying works - "Turn Around - Don't Drown" - there were some who forced their way into high water and sure enough, got stuck. For those who don't know, if water gets in your engine, it won't work.

Ok, now, wine time!

Oh, one more thing. Shameless plug at that. My horror thriller short film, has finally gone live on Amazon Prime! Please check it out and share it!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

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