
Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year New You | Time to Cleanse and Work On Your Health

Hi ya Gorgeous! day...left in 2018.

Holy smokes.  This year though.
I'm glad it's done.
It was in no way shape or form as harsh as 2017 though I'm still glad to be entering into the new season of 2019.

It's a side ways celebration for me because I ring in the new year on the Hebraic calendar, so technically for me, 5779 is 5 months in and now the Gregorian calendar is about to start.

No matter. I'm ready to celebrate no matter what! Speaking of celebrations - I've already begun my "new year new you" with some daily juicing to help rehydrate at a cellular level, add more fiber and boost my immune system as I prepare for a very busy season ahead to which I say, bring it on!

I use apple, celery and garlic for my 3 times a day juice - what's your favorite recipe for juice? Comment below! Now - cheers to you getting a jump start on a heart on a healthy new year! I love my Vitamix for making clean juices, you can get one here:

*note * that is an affiliate code and I will get a penny if you click it!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Who Wants To Share Their Opinion? Survey Inside!

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Saturday - so, I could use your help as I am curating some thoughts and experiences for an upcoming blog post about work for women before/during/after the #MeToo movement.

Your answers are anonymous - so please, share your heart.  I'm specifically looking for how the movement has affected your work place, work opportunities, and work pay scale after the movement gained traction.

If you could, would you please take a moment and answer these 5 questions - it should take between 3-5 minutes to complete.

Thank you so much! Use this link now to voice your opinion!

 If you prefer to not answer the anonymous survey BUT want to share your story and have your voice heard, please comment on this blog post.

Thank you for your time and story! I appreciate you!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas - A Special Greeting For You

 Hi ya Gorgeous,

 Quick video to check in and wish you a happy Christmas celebration today! My family is doing a different style of celebration today and then another tomorrow!

It's crazy - and good!

 In final notes for those who are struggling at this time of year - please - reach out and ask for help! You are not alone! You are loved!

If you need to talk or text with someone and you feel like you don't have any friends or family that you can open up to - then by all means, text the crisis help line - for any situation you may be facing. Text HOME to 741741 - and someone will text you back!

No harm. No foul. No shame. No fuss!

Just a person who cares to respond to you in your moment of need. More information on this can be found here:

Muah! Merry merry Christmas to you from me and MakeupUniversity!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wine Wednesday - Homemade Bailey's Edition -How To Make! Recipe Included

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Less than a week til Christmas! Woo hoo! Today I have one of my fave gifts to make for loved ones! Homemade Bailey's!

This is the recipe I use - 1⅔ cups Jameson Irish whiskey. 1 cup half & half or heavy cream. 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk. 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. 1 teaspoon instant coffee.

Now make some and give some! Cheers to your day being awesome! 

Here's a video review for you!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How To Make Positive Christmas Memories That Last

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Tuesday!
It's a whirlwind of fun, celebration, volunteering and preparing for some upcoming Christmas travel for snowboarding and ice skating!

Thank goodness for the physical activities because around here, it's been all treats,cookies, and fancy froo froo coffees and cocktails. In short, the calories are abundant! I need some extra movement!

Which brings me to today's blog and video topic - I encourage you to take a moment and plan some family memory making activities so the focus is on engaging with each other in a meaningful way versus just zeroing in on a store bought gift.

Ideas such as:
1. Taking a family walk to "eye spy" a Christmas item
2. Walking/bicycling/driving a neighborhood for lights
3. Christmas cookie bake off and then trade doing an old fashioned cake walk with music
4. Go caroling to a neighbor and bring some of those cookies to gift
5. Hand make cards for one another using items in the house then share with a quick message of what you appreciate about that person

There are so many ways to make a memory without spending a lot

Thank you for tuning in today! If it's your first time here, welcome! If you are returning, welcome back! This video is a short word of encouragement to help you focus on what's good that's going on in a busy holiday season. From me to you - a very merry Christmas! Now go make some great memories!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday Motivation: Get This for the Guys in Your Life & Community

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Well here we are. It's the final week and countdown to Christmas and the end of the year. Wow - what a year it has been!

I am a giver. I love to give. In the holiday time, birthdays, graduations; basically anytime that there is an opportunity to give, I give!

As you may be finishing up getting gifts for your family and friends, maybe take a moment and consider something for all of the guys in your outer circle - such as, the mailman, teachers at your kids schools, the principle, your UPS or FedEx delivery driver, hair stylist, barber, - you name it! A wee token of remembrance goes so far in encouraging a person! You never know what they could be going through and a thoughtful somethin' delivered with a short note of cheer and appreciation could go a long way in the coming new year.

Today I want to share with you one of my favorite brands and the Christmas gifts and sales promotions that are available with a gift with purchase.  

J Paul Skincare is made in the USA and a family owned and operated business in Texas.  You can find these specials locally at the HEB stores or online for shipping nationwide.

I swear by the travel razor and it makes a perfect stocking stuffer for the business guy who travels for work!  When you buy one ravel razor pack, you get the second one free!

When you get skincare gift set from J Paul, you will receive a manicure set free! It's win win!

 Hope you enjoyed the video and please use this link to click through and get the good stuff before the sale is gone! Save 50% now with J Paul Skincare!

Merry merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways! This is a sponsored post and I have been compensated for writing.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Holiday Sets for the Perfume Lover Are Here! | Wild Spirit Fragrances Holiday Collection

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
December is quickly moving to the middle of the month and this Saturday is the second busiest shopping day of the year because it's the one before Christmas!

I finally have all of my shopping done and I'm lovin' the surprises that I have in store for my cub.
Now some gifts for me! I am a fragrance lover! I usually wear a few different scents in a single day! Morning - noon - night, either relaxing or spicy for going out.  How about you?

Now something to know - not all fragrances are created equal. These days, so many of the scents you buy are synthetic and contain some naughty ingredients. Though, I met this brand back in the spring and I'm super in love with their commitment to a healthy scent, it's ability to be layered and their brand respect for the environment. Essentially - you have got to get this for yourself and a friend, a loved one and maybe even someone on your naughty list to help sweeten them up!

To add to the fun and enjoyment, this high end fragrance is easily available at Walmart stores and and the Christmas gift pack has a little bit of everything for you plus a sneak peek at the new rose fragrance coming out in spring 2019.  What are you waiting for ! Get to gettin' the good stuff from Wild Spirit Fragrances!  The video is from the set the brand sent me months ago with the sneak peek into what was coming for holiday and then these photos are from today in my local Walmart. 

Thanks for watching! If you could, would you take a moment and subscribe with a bell ding please? Thanks! You may think it's too early for a holiday post - but no - actually it's not. Why you say? Because the clock is ticking! The days from here on to the first week of January are going to go by fast and fill up - so, start on that shopping list!

Now, this brand is a new best favorite of mine. It's a healthy fragrance with no funky stuff in it, like phtalates and parabens! It is made in the USA and easily available at Walmart and The base of these scents are essential oils. You can wear one, or mix and match. Fragrance is the ultimate accessory! This video shows you the upcoming holiday gift package that is going to be in stores soon.

So watch the video and then get ready to find in stores!

 Learn more about the brand here:

Music: Be Mine Tonight by Andrew Kopacz Get yours here:
(*He scored my recent short film THIRSTY starring Leah Nead as Ebba.
Watch on Amazon:


TWITTER @Cherelynn

NOTE: I received this as a gift from the brand

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, December 7, 2018

What is Pearl Harbor Day?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Friday to you! I'm so ready for the weekend and then some.  Before all of that Christmas and Hanukkah celebration goes into full speed, here is a quick look back on today, and it's infamy in history.  Today, is Pearl Harbor day and we remember it in the United States with respect to the soldiers lost and the beginning of a war with flags at half mast.

What is Pearl Harbor Day?

Pearl Harbor Day, also known as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, is an annual observance of the lives lost in the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 
When Bill Clinton was President, he  declared Dec. 7, 1994, as the first National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day for the United States. This is a tremendous respect for the military and families of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives that day.

It is not a federal holiday with paid time off. Though the American flag is flown at half-staff until the sun sets in honor of those who died as a result of the surprise attack.

This was a catastrophic day and recently one family, finally had closure on the event. This is an excerpt from an article on today:

"The Dorr family had been waiting for Carl to come home from the Navy for 77 years. This week, he finally did.
About 15 relatives on Wednesday walked onto the tarmac of South Carolina's Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport. They watched as a flag-draped coffin was lowered from the plane into a hearse.
"There was nothing but dead silence," Carl's 70-year-old nephew, Thomas Dorr, who lives in St. Johns, Florida, told CNN. "I knew that what I was experiencing was history."
Carl David Dorr, one of the 429 sailors and Marines killed on board the USS Oklahoma when it was sunk in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, will be laid to rest on Friday -- the attack's anniversary.

Join me in a YouTube live session today at 12:30 MST as I share my personal family history with this day.

 You can find these resources on Amazon to help you with your own opinion and experience of Pearl Harbor.

World War II Pearl Harbor: A History From Beginning to End (World War 2 Battles Book 5)

World War II - Episode 06 - Pearl Harbor

*note - these are Amazon affiliate links and I receive a penny if you click it. Thank you.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wine Wednesday | Emergency Edition

 Hi ya Gorgeous,

Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday and celebrations for Hanukkah and Christmas are whoopin' up in your neck of the woods.

President Trump and First Lady Trump at funeral for President Bush

Today in other news, is also a day of mourning and remembrance for the 41st president of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush.  If you waited til today to mail your Christmas cards, well, they are going to wait til tomorrow because in the United States, all federal and state government are closed today in remembrance.  This has not happened in the United States since the passing of Gerald Ford and that was in December 2006.  Truly, one era has ended and another has begun!

Now, in MakeupUniversity's world, it's Wine Wednesday and today's review is a doozy. Enjoy the video and as always, thank you very much for watching and sharing.  If you have a favorite wine, please let me know in the comments!

 This video is a sideways emergency for the holiday season - it saves the day in many respects. I hope you enjoy the video. If you have a favorite wine for the holiday season, please let me know in the comment.

Thank you for watching and if you would like to subscribe, please do!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

P.S.  Do you need some pretty stemless glasses for your wine and gift giving?  I love these pretty tumblers that are like looking at stained glass.

Available on Amazon

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Best Gift for the Home Chef in Your Life - Meet Egglettes

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

I'm down to the final few gifts that I need to get and today's post, actually, this gift was given to me.
I do enjoy a kitchen gadget and collagen is a beauty item so technically, this qualifies for a beauty blog!

Meet Egglettes.

 These lil goodies are available on Amazon and I have a video demonstrating me using them. Overall, I like them. Though as much as I do like them, I don't really use mine because lately,
(insert *gasp* here)  - I've just been buying the pre-made packaged boiled eggs that are already peeled and ready eat. It's been the clean eating help as I travel.  Having my food prepared and ready in a cooler as I drive has kept me out of the drive thru!

 So - this is sort of beauty related and that is egg collagen can be good for your skin! Let me know what you think!

Get your gift of Egglettes on Amazon using this link

*this is an affiliate link and when you use it, you give me a penny and help support the blog. Thank you!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Would You Change You Because Others Were Changing?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Monday!

December is in full effect and in more ways than one!
So I'm taking a different focus this year with the blog - instead of sharing about the myriad of gifts available, how about we focus a moment on the real gift.  You!

The beauty community and blogging and Youtube are rapidly changing and I see so many quickly changing to follow suit.

Well, how about this - instead of you conforming to all that the world is shaping you as, how about you be an original one of a kind version of you! You are worthy. Beautiful. Creative.

The world needs more of you as you, not you as a great imitation of someone else.

So how about going forward in this season of expecting miracles and celebration - we focus on you and celebrating all of your unique qualities!

That's what I want to see and read about. You, as you were intended to be.

 Amen. Selah. Deep breath. Be the best you!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Fabulous Finds Friday - featuring Eucerin Rougness Relief

Hi ya Gorgeous,

What's this? A rare Friday video and blog post? Oh yeah!  So I have been there and back again - for real!

And as I have been busy getting ready for the Christmas season, which is full on here, and prepping film work while also getting webfomercial clients wrapped up for the end of 2018 I happened to come along an opportunity to work on a campaign for Eucerin Roughness Relief.

If you have dry, itchy, bumpy, funky skin - this is for you!  Hope you enjoy the video!

Enjoy this "Fabulous Finds Friday" and what I found is a help to my family and just may be a help to yours too!

Please subscribe and comment your fave winter skin care product!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wine Wednesday - with Hermon - Is that a white wine?

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Today, I have the final Wine Wednesday of November! What? That's crazy! Where has the month gone?

I have quite the story in this video and I'm tasting a familiar and favorite wine that was gifted and regifted!

Enjoy the video and please let me know in the comments your favorite wine recommendation!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

#GivingTuesday - Give What You Can

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Quick note for today, that it's important, in all of the busy and hullaballoo that you take a moment, and consider giving of your time, talent or finance to a charity today!
Any and every little bit matters!

So go give!
If you can't give today - pledge for a later date and time. You can do it!

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Would You Like Some DiY Beauty Gift Inspiration?

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Woo hoo - how is your Cyber Monday going? Mine was doin' pretty darn good until that moment when I have  been watching Amazon ALL morning long. Just waiting for the LEGO Apollo Saturn V kit to go on sale. It did. In the seconds it took for me to click put into cart someone else bought it.

So, maybe there was one?  One in all of internet land? Really? I will still buy it, but I doubt I will get it for $78 and it's normally about $119. Rawr! So mad.

But I digress. Overall the Thanksgiving holiday weekend was wonderful! Cheers to yours being so as well!

Thank you for tuning in today! This video is for those who need some inspiration for making diy beauty gifts!

If you are new, welcome, and for those returning, welcome back! Please subscribe and ding the bell too!

These are Amazon affiliate links for the books that I mention in the video - yes, I will get a penny if you click the link, and thank you very much.

Diy Dye by Loren Lankford
Homemade Bath Bombs, Salts & Scrubs by Kate Bello
101 Do-It-Yourself Face Masks by Jennifer McCartney

Let me know in the comments what your favorite diy beauty gifts are!

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

SHOP SMALL Saturday - Enjoy These Deals!

Good morning Gorgeous!

Happy Shop Small Saturday! I love this day of the year when it comes to shopping and the melee that ensues around Black Friday - I do not partake! 

 I do all of my shopping online and even when it comes to Shop Small Saturday, I do my shopping online. Why? Because I live in a rural area and don't like going into town unless it's mandatory. Also because I have such a mega commute for work, I just don't drive if I don't have to.

So today on Shop Small Saturday - look for this blue sticker and help support the dreams of someone working a small business!

 And - please consider ordering online from businesses that have been affected by the wildfires in California, like Neptune's Net. Oh how I love to eat here!  When I leave work in Burbank, if at all possible, I drive over the wine country hills of Calabassas through the canyon and down to the beautiful Pacific ocean and then turn right, go up the PCH about 5 miles and look to the right.

There is Neptune's Net, a small family owned eatery that has been there for decades. Until now - the building is still there though they are without power! The wildfire came right up to the edge of their building yet they were spared! If you could, would you order something from their website?  A gift card, key chain, tshirt, anything will help! It keeps them in business while APS is working to get the power back on.

Use this link here

Now for my guys and gals out there who have family portraits coming up, and travel, and CES and any number of events you are going to need a fresh shave, a perfect stocking stuffer and some anti-aging skincare to be work ready in the new year!

Consider shopping J Paul Skincare online and get a big discount while also supporting an independent family owned business!  I've tried the skincare and love the shave cream filled triple blade razor for travel! 

Use this link to order:

Now just in case you or someone you know is getting married, I have my diy bridal makeup course geared to the encore bride or those who are saying "I do" times two.  

These short videos are easy to follow and learn along with to get your best destination wedding look, or backyard brides have a deep saving on your wedding budget with this video course.

Use this link for savings and a free gift with purchase!

This holiday weekend, instead of buying the separate $47 personal one on one makeup lesson, get it free this weekend only when you shop small!
Now get to shoppin' small!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Where ever you are and how ever you choose to spend this day - I encourage you to pause and give thanks!

Make a list of at least 10 things or people and experiences you are thankful that you have had this year.

I find that I have so much to be thankful for! So from my heart to yours, a big hug and very

Happy Thanksgiving!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wine Wednesday: $10 Thanksgiving Wines to Give, Get, or Gulp

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Tomorrow is the big day! In the United States, we celebrate a day of thanksgiving to remember that there was a time when the colonists had survived another winter and actually had enough extra to have a feast with the Natives. Little did we Natives know how south things would go afterwards - yet - I digress.

So this video is a 3 bottle option for getting $10 wines that can be great hostess gifts, something for yourself, or to open for the meal.

Enjoy! Please let me know in the comments what your favorite holiday wine is!


TWITTER  @cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Would You Like Help Managing Thanksgiving?

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
48 hours till Turkey day! I love Thanksgiving and starting the day with the Macy's parade from New York while I begin the prep for the feast!

This video is full of simple tips to help you manage your expectations this holiday season - and - in particular, Thanksgiving. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video! These 3 key yet simple tips can help you manage your Thanksgiving and ensure a wonderful memory making holiday!

You got this! Take a deep breath and go forward with merriment in your heart!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Movember Dove Men+Care | When Teenagers Give Their Honest Opinion

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
Who else is enjoying the holiday break from regular school schedule? Oh how I love non-commute days!

 Thanksgiving break is in full effect and I have my wonderful helper on task helping me with some Dove Men+Care samples that have arrived.  There is something for anyone, any man from young to senior in the line from Dove Men+Care that can help winter skin!

 Find your favorites or try something new by getting these Dove Men+Care from Amazon, Walmart, or your favorite drugstore like CVS or Walgreens.

Fresh Express
Deep Clean

 Thank you to Dove Men+Care for sending samples for my son and I to try - especially in this month of Movember and bringing awareness to men's health issues. Enjoy!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday - GRWM - and then some

Hi ya Gorgeous!
 Happy Monday! How was your Veterans Day? Did you get a chance to say thank you and hug necks?  It's a challenge between my son and I to see who can show the most gratitude on that day. It's good times I tell ya!

The fam is actually out and about making our way across another continent today! I will have updates on my Twitter account and then do a full share when I return!

Thank you for watching this get ready with me video. I am using a variety of products including Bronx Colors, Comodynes, and L'Oreal. Please subscribe and ding the bell so you don't miss a thing!

Bronx Colors Macchiato eye shadow palette

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Note: These are affiliate links on Amazon and if you would please click it, I get a penny!
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

What Are You Working On Now?

 Hi ya Gorgeous,

This year is fast on it's way to a close. How are you doing? Are you still pushing towards goals you set back in January? I'm sharing a video and it's what I've been working on this past year. Wow. Funny how when you do a lil' bit all the time, how it adds up!  Keep going Beauty! You got this!

This video is a cross over from my other channel - it's my current producer and director reel that I have been using to book some new gigs.
It took me a long time. I would say, almost two years to finally make peace with being behind the camera as both makeup artist and director.  That crossover firmly happened with the making of the World Is Still Spinning music video for Sedona Skies band in Austin Texas.

Yes, I still beauty blog, and do breakthrough events for women empowerment, though I just do it around my filming schedule now.

I say all of this to encourage you - that when you are transitioning it can be messy, confusing, and trust me, it's going to take longer than you think, so please be kind and have patience with yourself!

Thank you for being a part of the cross over with me!
MakeupUniversity and Lions Rest have lots to get started on for 2019!
Stay tuned!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wine Wednesday with Beringer Main & Vine Red Crush - Is it similar to Apothic Crush for Half Price?

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Who's ready for some hump day inspiration? Like, maybe comb over inspo? Or since it's Wednesday, let's talk wine!

Have you selected your Thanksgiving wines yet? Today I have a wine review for you of an under $10 Walmart wine that actually came from the Safeway.

Enjoy the video and please leave a comment of your favorite holiday wine! Or, do you have a fave that I should try? I wanna know! Post it! Finally, it's so important to take care of yourself in this busy busy time, so please, take a moment, and do some stretches to help alleviate stress tension, do some deep breaths, and drink water!  Then wine!

Thank you for watching today. Welcome to those who are new here and welcome back to those returning. If you haven't had a chance to subscribe yet, please do and ding the bell so you don't miss a thing! I bought this wine thinking it would be a great dupe for a favorite brand - watch the video and find out!


TWITTER @Twitter

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Movember - Ways to Help Others While Helping Yourself with J Paul Skincare

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Did you know that the month of November is to men's health awareness what October is to women's health and breast cancer awareness? It's called, Movember!

For men, Movember is about growing out a mustache, or maybe even a beard to raise awareness about men's health issues that normally don't get a lot of discussion through out the year such as prostate cancer and men's suicide rates or even rarer known health issues such as EDS.

I've written about the genius of the all in one shaver from J Paul Skincare before and today I'm revisiting the products because J Paul Skincare is doing a major fundraiser for the Ehlers-Danlos Society during the Movember movement.  (p.s. That shaver is with me as I travel!)

J Paul offers a wide variety of skincare systems for men and women, to choose from. You can get a basic 3 step skincare system of wash, scrub and shave or if you have some signs of aging, consider getting the anti-aging line, which I am using in the photos.

Help J Paul Support the Cause in #Movember!! Through the month of November, J Paul will donate 10% of all sales to the Ehlers-Danlos Society. Ehlers-Danlos Society helps raise awareness and funds for connective tissue genetic disorder EDS. For information about EDS and the Ehlers-Danlos Society visit 

Now it's easy to get in on the support by purchasing your own skincare, or a Christmas gift of skincare for the men in your life and when you order in November for giving in December you actually give twice because J Paul Skincare is donating this month to help research and treatment for those with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

What A Guy Thinks of Dove Men+Care - How to Prep for the Holidays Ahead of Time

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Thanksgiving is two weeks away! Are you ready? Are you doing any and all pre-preparations that you can to make the day go smoother and have less time prepping and more time with friends and family? 

My family used to have great big celebrations with lots of extended families and cousins from the third bloodline joining in. These events were huge! Now, no one gets together! It's just the core family and even then - we split it up with travel to here and there. I do like how we do our holidays now though I sure do miss the old days and big family gatherings were the cooking starts the night before!

So in preparation for holiday travel and having everything pre-packed and ready to be dropped into the car at a moments notice, my son has joined me to do some first impression and reviews of the samples that Dove Men+Care sent. Thank you Dove!

Enjoy the video below and let me know in the comments what your favorite memory is of past holidays!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, November 12, 2018

3 Things You Can Do Now To Help Shape a Postive Mind Set | Manage Your Expectations

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Monday ya'll!  There is so much to be thankful for and if you look, you will see the silver lining!

There are a few things you can say to yourself now that can help you make a mindset shift for the positive.
I feel like with so much tragedy going on and the holidays upon us, that perhaps, you could use a little encouragement.

Enjoy the video!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Happy Veterans Day - Today Is a Day of Honor, Remembrance and Helping Those Around You

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today in the United States is an important day to remember those who gave all on the battlefield - and most importantly take care for those who  came back from war though are still fighting.

 Today is Veterans Day and there are many events going on nationwide providing discounts and free services to veterans from any of the wars.

I have a list below of a sample of places a United States veteran can receive some free services today - and going forward, please receive this hug from me to you and a hand shake with a very gratitude filled thank you sir, for your service!

Free hair cuts for veterans!  I know that my local Great Clips does the free hair cut AND if you can not wait or get in on the 11th - ask for a card that allows you to come back at another date for the free hair cut.  Find out more here:



The chain's giving away free full-size entrees as a thank you. These are the choices: Classic Bacon Cheeseburgers, 6 oz. USDA Select Top Sirloin, Chicken Tenders Platter, Double Crunch Shrimp, Fiesta Lime Chicken, Oriental Grilled Chicken Salad, Oriental Chicken Salad and Three-Cheese Chicken Penne. Dine-in only. Nov. 11.

Little Caesars

From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time, the pizza chain is giving away a free Hot-N-Ready Lunch Combo that usually costs $5 and includes four slices of DEEP!DEEP! Dish pepperoni pizza and a 20-ounce soda. Just mention the deal at check-out to get the free meal. Nov 11.

Red Lobster

The seafood chain is giving veterans and active duty military the choice of one free appetizer or dessert. The apps include the restaurant's Sweet Chili Shrimp, Mozzarella Cheesesticks, Parrot Isle Jumbo Coconut Shrimp, Seafood-Stuffed Mushrooms, Lobster and Langostino Pizza and Signature Shrimp Cocktail. Those with a sweet tooth can choose from the Vanilla Bean Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie, Warm Apple Crostada, Chocolate Wave or Brownie Overboard. Nov. 11-12.

Red Robin

America's heroes can indulge in a free Red's Tavern Double Burger with Bottomless Steak Fries. They've more than earned this hearty meal, after all. Dine-in only. Nov. 11. 


Veterans can choose one of seven free dishes including the chain's Chicken Crispers, Margarita Grilled Chicken, Chicken Bacon Ranch Quesadillas, Just Bacon Burger, Oldtimer with Cheese, Cajun Chicken Pasta or a salad with a bowl of chili or soup. Nov. 11.

Cracker Barrel

The interstate institution is offering up a free slice of its Double Chocolate Fudge Coca-Cola Cake or a choice of one of its coffee drinks from mochas to lattes. Nov. 11.


There's no need to buy anything to get a free doughnut of any flavor at any location. In-store only. Nov. 11.