
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

How to get healthy gut bacteria for anti-aging results in your skincare

Hi ya Gorgeous,

So today is so sort of off the main stream of beauty topics- but - it's very important beauty topic!

The skin is the biggest organ and it is maintained by the inside organs - so- it's important to take care of your insides! Like having a a healthy gut! Like, taking fermented foods as part of your daily food healthy regime!  Meet my home made sauerkraut!

These things I know to be true - what you put in yourself, eventually comes out of yourself. What you eat and drink will show on your skin and if you truly want to see a youthful and healthy skin, you need to feet it and water it, well!

The fermented foods you can choose are sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and even some yogurts.
Check the label for the level of live probiotics in the yogurt and if you are wondering about how these "live probiotics' get into your fermented foods - please check here:

Oh this video is about beauty from the inside out - enjoy - the recipe link is below!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Who Needs a Beauty Smorgasbord Roundup? MyChelle & L'Oreal

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Cheers to an awesome Monday for you and your family! It's the final week of October - meaning, the BCA month is coming to a close as well as the Domestic Violence awareness month.
As Pinktober closes, remember to put a note on your calendar so that every month you do a self check!

For Domestic Violence awareness - be sure and have a plan.  Luck favors the prepared.

Now I have a video chock full of drugstore hair care and my favorite dermaceutical brand, MyChelle and a cleanser to help your skin transition from Summer to Fall. By the way - here in Arizona, we just had a 93 degree day - at the end of October!

Enjoy the video and let me know in the comments what your favorite drugstore hair care is!

This video is to help you with a few lil tidbits of beauty suggestions for skin and hair - and then some commentary. Who doesn't need that? Welcome to my channel and if you haven't subscribed yet, please do and ding the bell so you don't miss a thing!

Here are links for what I'm talking about in the video:

 KTLA BCA segment -

AZ Daily Mix BCA segment -

MyChelle Cream Pumpkin Cleanser
L'Oreal Elvive total repair shampoo
L'Oreal Elvive total repair conditioner

Music by Andrew Kopacz
Song:  Be Mine Tonight

TWITTER @Cherelynn


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wine Wednesday - Twofer Edition with Stella Rosa & Alamos

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Oh, Fall is finally here. We had a cold snap in Arizona. Then savage rains. Followed by a Indian summer style heat snap and now - it's just perfect. 66 degrees during the day with sun and a light breeze. Hello Fall!

This is what my area looks like - oh so gorgeous! Though, don't be fooled by the serene landscape - it's a hustle bustle  of activity around here with so many school events, work travel and then yup, you guessed it, the holidays are here.

Today's wine review is a twofer - I have a coupon recommendation as well as a low alcohol perfect for toasting celebrations gift recommendation.  Enjoy the video and let me know in the comments what your favorite gift wine is!

Thank you for joining me today for a video review of two wines that will serve you well for the holiday season. If you have a wine recommendation for me to try - please let me know in the comments below.

 Music: Be Mine Tonight by Andrew Kopacz


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What the Fragrance Lover Wants for a Gift | Wild Spirit Fragrances

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Today I have a wee sneak peek into what's coming for the Christmas season with Wild Spirit Fragrances.  I received this as a gift from the brand and I just had to share!

Expect this to be coming into stores in the next couple of weeks. If you need a unique gift for a co-worker, teacher, girl scout troop leader, mail lady, sister, friend or yourself, give this!

You may think it's too early for a holiday post - but no - actually it's not. Why you say? Because the clock is ticking! The days from here on to the first week of January are going to go by fast and fill up - so, start on that shopping list!

Now, this brand is a new best favorite of mine. It's a healthy fragrance with no funky stuff in it, like phtalates and parabens!  It is made in the USA and easily available at Walmart and

The base of these scents are essential oils. You can wear one, or mix and match. Fragrance is the ultimate accessory!

This video shows you the upcoming holiday gift package that is going to be in stores soon.  So watch the video and then get ready to find in stores!

Learn more about the brand here:

Music: Be Mine Tonight by Andrew Kopacz
Get yours here:

(*Andy  scored my recent short film THIRSTY starring Leah Nead  as Ebba. Watch on Amazon:   )

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

NOTE: I received this as a gift from the brand

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Collagen Glow - What You Need to Know

HI ya Gorgeous!
Happy Monday! Oh these days are good and so short! So while I'm in and out of the office and on the road this week, I have some wee impact filled videos for you.

This review is of the book The Collagen Glow by Sally Olivia Kim.
Using collagen as a supplement is great for anti-aging from the inside out. But! Did you know that if you have arthritis, leaky gut syndrome you fellow Hashimoto thyroid friends, knee pain, joint pain, helps treat heart disease - yup - collagen supplements are for you!

p.s. Before we get into the video - this is how I really feel about Monday today. I usually love it - but lately, I have gone too hard, too fast, for too long! I'm tired!

Today I have a short book review video for you about the benefits of using collagen supplements.  The Collagen Glow book by Sally Olivia Kim is a packed with recipes and result driven strategy in healing with collagen.

To hear the full song, "Be Mine Tonight" by Andrew Kopacz, please visit his website:

Get your copy on Amazon here:
Get your Neocell collagen supplement:

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wine Wednesday with Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Harvest Spice and a Special Guest

Hi ya Gorgeous!

You know what day it is? Wine Wednesday! Woo hoo! Today I have a wine review that is just perfect for holiday gatherings and gift giving - or is it?

Enjoy this and let me know in the comments what you think!



TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

AZ Daily Mix - Special Beauty Tips for Breast Cancer Survivors

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Yesterday in Phoenix I had the pleasure of spending the morning with the AZ Daily Mix tv show. I did a segment on breast cancer awareness and beauty tips for getting a gal who's been in treatment, gorgeous on the go!

Oh - there is so much to say - and squishing it into 4 minutes is hard! Enjoy this video!

If you are interested in the products used in the video - use these links:

PUR Attitude


Wild Spirit Fragrance


Plum Pretty Sugar

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, October 15, 2018

AZ Daily Mix day - and a Breast Cancer Awareness Deoderant Video

Hi ya Gorgeous!

It's Monday - and I'm currently in Phoenix Arizona for a breast cancer awarness beauty segment on AZ Daily Mix.

Tune in here if you would like to watch!

So while I do that - here's a great resource for an important daily self care - deoderant!

October is breast cancer awareness month and one of the best ways to reduce risk is to switch from an aluminum based anti-perspirant to a natural deoderant.

Thanks for watching and if you haven't subscribed yet, please do and ding the bell so you don't miss a video on Monday or Wednesday!

TWITTER @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

AZ Daily Mix segment sneek peak with PUR Attitude & Chamilia

Hi ya Gorgeous!

So today is travel day for me! I'm en route to Phoenix to do the AZ Daily Mix show, thankfully, the weather is stable for the day. In other news,  71 days til Christmas? Are you ready?  Me either. Before I get into the chit chat of this video - in the 8 o'clock hour MST I am on AZ Daily Mix Monday October 15th with breast caner awareness beauty tips. Tune in!

 October is known as "Pinktober" though it also Domestic Violence Awareness month - this video has some chit chat on that for you as well as an introduction to the PUR Attitude skincare, that is clean, free from parabens and perfect for any lady who is in any stage of breast cancer.

Wait til you meet Chamilia! This beautiful rose gold limited edition piece of jewelry is perfect for gifting to a breast cancer patient who is marking milestones through treatment!

There is so much goodness! Be sure and tune in!  Have a BCA tip? Post in the comments below!

 Thanks for watching this video and tuning into AZ Daily Mix!

I'm going to show several simple, clean beauty tips for women in breast cancer treatment or thriving after victory over the disease.


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

KTLA Los Angeles Breast Cancer Awareness video

Hi ya Gorgeous!
I'm home from a wonderful trip to Los Angeles to share with that community about some of the ways you can help yourself or a loved one in the stages of breast cancer from diagnosis to victory!

Enjoy the segment - and - if you have any tips, let me know in the comments!

If you prefer a link, use this:

Products featured:

PUR Attitude
Knitted Knockers
KT tape
Ulta Beauty
Wild Spirit Fragrance
GLOW for a cause
LUX Hair by Sherri Shepard

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, October 8, 2018

When Life Goes 2.0 - World Is Still Spinning Music Video with Sedona Skies

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Monday! I love a Monday. Today's blog post is a look at the 2.0 self. It has taken me two years to get to the place where I fully feel comfortable being makeup artist beauty blogger as well as producer and director in family adventure entertainment content.

This music video for the Sedona Skies song, World Is Still Spinning is shot  in Arizona, by special permit in Union Pass along the original road before the interstate was built.

Actresses Leslie Chester and her daughter Abigayle portray the story of a young girl having dreams of a wedding day celebration and the journey to her dreams intermingled with the adult woman walking to the expectation.

The overall tone of the images to the song is that of managing disappointments and expectations.

The actresses wear  a hand made Jennyvi Dizon couture silk and lace dress.

The rock house by the side of the road at Union Pass stands today as a monument to Jonathan Draper Richardson and his wife Victoria, who bequeathed the house to their descendants on condition that they never cut down the trees and that they give water to any thirsty traveler. The spot where Richardson chose to build his rock house is less than a quarter of a mile east of Highway 68 on the crest of the Black Mountains- the mountain wedge known as Union Pass.

In 1897, Richardson, his wife and three children settled there, the area, had lush native vegetation, ample water and just enough flat land to accommodate a pioneer homestead.  We settled at Union Pass in 1897 on a homestead (160 acres) where my parents lived the rest of their lives”. When the Richardson’s arrived they found the remains of an old Army post that had been established there to protect the immigrants from Indians on the old road from Kingman to the Colorado River.  Using hand tools only, Draper and Victoria maintained the narrow winding road over Union Pass, three miles each way from their house.

Produced & Directed by Cherelynn Baker for Lions Rest Productions
Makeup:  Bronx Colors, Smashbox Cosmetics BeRad lashes

Enjoy the video and you can find more of Sedona Skies music on Bandcamp

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

How to prepare for when help is weeks away -A Tropical Storm Rosa life lesson

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Oh the glorious grey cool breezy rainy days are slowing down. Thanks to Tropical Storm Rosa, my dry dry area has had a lovely few rainy days! Then in my email yesterday I got this sideways email from a survival group saying that September was "Survival September". Really?  How and where did you get my email and why are you sending me stuff?

Perhaps it's just a God bonk gobsmack to have a few extra things on hand, just in case. Tropical Storm Rosa gave my area a lovely wash of soft rain with clouds. The Phoenix and Yuma area of Arizona were not treated gently and there was been a lot of storm damage and flooding.

So to get that email yesterday was actually very timely as I also received the cell phone emergency test system alert. I was at the barber shop with my son and we were just talking about it; then the moment we walk out the door, both of your phones went off and we could hear others too!

I have recently seen in mainstream media that there is a possibility in a large event or attack or weather situation, help from local authorities or the government institutions could be days and maybe even weeks away, so it would be good to have a few supplies on hand, just in case!

So for the record, here's a definition:
A Prepper is a person who takes Personal Responsibility and Self Reliance seriously. Preparedness is an important part of life for a serious Prepper. They follow the Five Principles of Preparedness while they Walk the Path of the Prepper.

Hmm, perhaps we can all take a moment and prepare something in the pantry for our own families and neighbors.

So in doing some research, the Google came up with pages after pages of resources for being prepared.

Here are some links for you and then a simple guide of things FEMA recommends to have on hand in case of emergency - like - a really big emergency!

Final thoughts on this - there was not a mention in any of this lists for beauty items and I would like to add my two cents!

In these emergency preparedness lists - it says toiletries - though lets be more specific:
Hand creme/lotion - something in a pinch that you would want to use over your whole body
Dry shampoo for hair and body
Pack of baby wipes/body wipes

Maybe include in your survival kit, ladies hygiene, pet foods, and a deck of cards or small board game activity. Just in case it takes a while for the power to come back on.

What are your thoughts -which items do you have or do you recommend that are not on the lists?


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Would You Try These Arizona Wines? Meet Stetson Winery

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
You know what day it is? It's Wine Wednesday and today we are meeting two wines that I picked up at a grape stomping event here in my area of Arizona. About an hour from me is a patch of land that is just perfect for growing wine grapes! Meet Stetson Winery!

These were, interesting. Enjoy the video! Before I go - special shout out to all the first responders who helped during tropical storm Rosa in the greater Phoenix area. Many parts of Arizona received a year's worth of rain in 24 hours due to the storm.

The saying works - "Turn Around - Don't Drown" - there were some who forced their way into high water and sure enough, got stuck. For those who don't know, if water gets in your engine, it won't work.

Ok, now, wine time!

Oh, one more thing. Shameless plug at that. My horror thriller short film, has finally gone live on Amazon Prime! Please check it out and share it!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Battle of the Masks: Addicted Beauty vs Global Beauty Care

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Tuesday!
In my area of Arizona, we are experiencing Tropical Storm Rosa. Wow! So thankful for cool rainy weather! So far in my town, we have not received the epic Noah's Ark level of rain that was predicted - but - no complaints here! I'm so thankful for a non 100 plus degree day and it is nice to have no sun, just for a day!

Today I have an introduction and review of two masks that would be great self care for anyone in BCA month!One I got from the Dollar Tree store, the Global Beauty Care retinol sheet mask. There are 2 sheet masks to use in the package, for a dollar!  The other is a sample from Addicted Beauty that I received as a sample at Cosmoprof North America in Las Vegas. Good times I tell ya!

Enjoy the video and please let me know in the comments what your favorite self care and at home spa beauty mask is!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, October 1, 2018

What's It Like Creating After Cancer - Interview

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Happy BCA month! Kickin' off with a bang! Today's video is an interview with a friend and fellow content creator and she has a powerful story for you about creating after cancer.

We were just out in a historic area of Arizona creating a music video for Sedona Skies, a band in Austin Texas. Oh! This was so much fun and I'm loving the end result!

It was a long long day, hot, and we were constantly moving. I was tired. Yet there is no complaining about being tired when I know what she has been through. This video is an interview and going forward into BCA month - get ready - because I am ready to encourage those ladies who are starting, in the middle or have already survived their cancer diagnosis!

Watch and enjoy!
If you haven't subscribed yet please do - then ding the bell so you don't miss a thing!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Leslie's makeup for the music video:
Smashbox Cosmetics
BeRad lashes
Bronx Color matte lip tint 02
Catrice Ultimate Colour in Pinker-bell

Dress worn by Leslie:  Jennyvi Couture
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!